商务英语写作 如何写好一封商务邮件

英语口语培训 2021-09-02 10:23112未知admin

??Email is the most common form of written communication in the businessworld. Although emails are often seen as less formal than business letters, theystill need to be professional in tone and structure, and are quite differentfrom the cas

??Email is the most common form of written communication in the businessworld. Although emails are often seen as less formal than business letters, theystill need to be professional in tone and structure, and are quite differentfrom the casual messages you send to friends and family. However, businessemails are not just letters sent via a computer – they have a style of their ownwhich it is important to understand.


Length of a business email


One of the most important things to remember when emailing businesscolleagues is to be concise. Many professionals receive a multitude of emailsthroughout the day and often don’t have the time to read thoroughly each pieceof correspondence. Because the recipient may have to evaluate which incomingmessages have the greatest priority, choose the contents of the subject linecarefully and use it to give a clear summary of the email’s purpose.


Email signatures


Email messages being sent outside of the company should end with a closingsignature that includes the sender’s full name and business affiliation. Mostemail programs provide an option whereby a closing signature may be created andautomatically appended to all outgoing messages.


Reply vs new message


It is good business practice to use the ‘reply’ option to an existingmessage rather than opening a ‘new message’ page. The ‘reply’ gives therecipient a link, commonly called a thread, to the original message, and a pathto follow if several replies to one message pile up. Or, if the incoming messageis lengthy and only certain items require a response, the sender can copy onlythose relevant parts and paste them into a ‘new message’, then key in theappropriate responses.



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