
外教一对一哪家好 2021-08-25 10:19133未知admin



  亿万财主基金司理雷伊o戴利奥(Ray Dalio)标明,降息不是处置当前信贷商场骚动疑问的办法。戴利奥是迩来数月为美国联邦贮藏委员会(Federal Reserve)供给主张的专家之一。

Ray Dalio, the billionaire fund manager who was among the experts to advise the US Federal Reserve in recent months, has said interest rate cuts are not the solution to the turmoil in the credit markets.

基金公司Bridgewater Associates创始人和首席财务官戴利奥标明,实践上,长时刻处置办法将触及汇率方针--比方我国公民币增值--以处置美国的生意失衡疑问。

Rather, Mr Dalio, founder and chief investment officer of money manager Bridgewater Associates, said the longer-term solution would involve currency policies - such as a revaluation of the Chinese renminbi - to address the US’s trade imbalance.


"Our current credit problems are the flip side of our balance of payments problem," he told the Financial Times. "The world has been awash with liquidity and money has been pouring in from abroad, so lots of money had to get invested fast.


"The dollar being the world’s dominant reserve currency, coupled with the major surplus countries having their currencies pegged to the dollar, has led to a dollar denominated debt bubble - a lot of irresponsible lending in dollars. The mortgage crisis is just one reflection of this."


Mr Dalio called for the Fed to stop cutting interest rates and to set a "realistic" target rate for US growth of 2.2 per cent a year. That would be the lowest since the 1930s, and below the 2.5 per cent that is the Fed’s target.


China needed to revalue its currency against the US dollar for the benefit of both countries, said Mr Dalio.


"The [renminbi] is where it is because of historical reasons that no longer apply and are unsustainable," he said.


"The reason a dollar devaluation against China’s currency and other emerging market currencies is now good for both them and us is that we have exactly opposite concerns - they are concerned about their economy overheating and their foreign assets building up while we are concerned about our economy weakening and our foreign liabilities building up," he said.


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