商务英语口语 电话会议礼仪你晓得吗

外教一对一哪家好 2021-08-31 10:22112未知admin

??When you have a conference call rather it is from business to business, orbusiness to an employee at home or abroad conducting business, it is importantthat the conference calling experience is productive and smooth sailing. Nomatter what

??When you have a conference call rather it is from business to business, orbusiness to an employee at home or abroad conducting business, it is importantthat the conference calling experience is productive and smooth sailing. Nomatter what role you play in the conference call, it is necessary that youmaintain the proper etiquette for conference calls.


1.Quiet is the key


Make sure, when you are on the conference call that you are in a very quietroom, away from any disturbances. This will make sure that you hear everythingthat is going on and keep themisunderstandings to a minimum. It is impossible tokeep the misunderstandings at bay if you have a dog barking, machines running,or people talking in the background.


2.The Telephone Equipment


Make sure that you are using a phone that will minimize the noise in thebackground. Some telephone and most all cell phones will pick up even theslightest noise or interference, which will not only cause troubles for youhearing the speakers, but others as well.


3.Using Telephone Technology


The mute button does wonders, but make sure you know how to use it. Themute button should be used if there is a lot of background noise that you simplycannot control or if someone is particularlytalkative. Of course, make sure youknow how to un-mute for when it is your turn to speak or answer a question.




Make sure you set the conference call up in advance and let everyone knowall information such as pass code or phone number. It is also necessary that youtake time zones in to consideration if you have people across several time zonesto include on the conference call.


5.Being on Time


If you are the conference call leader, you want to start right on time. Donot wait for others if they are late. People on the call want to start rightaway, because there may be other business they need to attend to. If you aresimply in the call, be on time, you do not want to miss anything that might beimportant.




Make sure that every person on the call introduces himself or herself. Thiswill allow for building relationships and getting people to open up and feelcomfortable.




Not everyone will be able to tell who is who by the voice. Make sure beforeanyone speaks that his or her name is said first. For example, "this is Bob,could you repeat that company name again".




Never eat while you are on a conference call, who wants to hear chewing intheir ear? If you must get a drink of water, put the call on mute so no one willhave to hear the emitted sounds. This includes chewing gum.


9.Keep on Topic


Do not fill the call with unnecessary talk. Keep to the point, becauseremember there may be several people on the call that have other pressing thingsto do.



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