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各章由学习方针、课文、词汇表、注释和习题五个有些构成,章节规划方案有助于学生全部地经过英语掌控金融常识、堆集专业词汇、前进阅览水平。“Knowledge Focus”协助学生安靖单元首要常识点,“Language Focus”注重前进专业言语归纳运用才能和翻译、写作等专项技能,“Supplementary Reading”引入经济社会抢手疑问。各章节习题均环绕主题进行方案,题型丰厚,所选语料首要来自于我国干流英文媒体,有利于协助学生安靖金融常识和言语点,引导学生经过阅览拓荒视界。注释有些尽可以对难点进行了阐释,有助于教师授课和学生自学。



9.0 ha:/嘻L3x4X3XZCHk信 金融英语教程(第三版)【我国金融出书社自营直供】


目 录

Chapter 1 Money 1

1.1 Definition of Money 2

1.2 Types of Money 2

1.3 Functions of Money 6

1.4 Interest and Interest Rate 7

1.5 Money Supply 11

1.6 China’s Monetary System and RMB’s Internationalization 14

New Words16

Terms and Expressions17

Proper Names18



Supplementary Reading23

Chapter 2 Foreign Exchange25

2.1 Introduction 26

2.2 Foreign Exchange Market 31

2.3 Foreign Exchange Transactions 34

2.4 Functions of the Foreign Exchange Transactions 37

2.5 Derivatives: Futures, Options and Swaps 41

New Words45

Terms and Expressions47

Proper Names48



Supplementary Reading54

Chapter 3 Balance of Payments57

3.1 Definition 58

3.2 Accounting Principles 59

3.3 The Components of Balance of Payment Statement 61

3.4 A Brief Analysis of Balance of Payments 71

New Words74

Terms and Expressions76

Proper Names77



Supplementary Reading82

Chapter 4 Financial Market85

4.1 Introduction 86

4.2 Money Market 89

4.3 Capital Market 94

New Words98

Terms and Expressions99

Proper Names 100

Notes 100

Exercises 102

Supplementary Reading 105

Chapter 5 Securities 109

5.1 Overview 110

5.2 Stock 112

5.3 Bond 117

New Words 126

Terms and Expressions 128

Proper Names 129

Notes 129

Exercises 130

Supplementary Reading 133

Chapter 6 Loans 137

6.1 Introduction 138

6.2 Loan Procedures 143

6.3 Major Loan Categories 151

New Words 157

Terms and Expressions 159

Proper Names 161

Notes 161

Exercises 162

Supplementary Reading 166

Chapter 7 Intermediary Services 169

7.1 Trust 170

7.2 Lease 172

7.3 Factoring 175

7.4 Forfaiting 180

New Words 186

Terms and Expressions 187

Proper Names 188

Notes 188

Exercises 190

Supplementary Reading 193

Chapter 8 Accounting 197

8.1 Definition 198

8.2 Some Basic Concepts of Accounting 199

8.3 Accounting Equation 203

8.4 Double Entry Bookkeeping System 205

8.5 Financial Statements 206

New Words 212

Terms and Expressions 214

Proper Names 215

Notes 216

Exercises 217

Supplementary Reading 221

Chapter 9 International Settlement (I) 225

9.1 Instruments of International Settlement 226

9.2 Remittance 235

9.3 Collection 237

New Words 242

Terms and Expressions 244

Proper Names 245

Notes 246

Exercises 248

Supplementary Reading 253

Chapter 10 International Settlement (II) 255

10.1 Definition and Features of Letter of Credit 256

10.2 Parties to a Documentary Credit 257

10.3 Procedures of a Documentary Credit 258

10.4 Types of Credit 260

New Words 266

Terms and Expressions 268

Proper Names 269

Notes 269

Exercises 271

Supplementary Reading 276

Chapter 11 E-Finance 279

11.1 Introduction 280

11.2 E-banking 280

11.3 Internet Finance 288

11.4 Potential Risks 292

11.5 Risk Prevention and Stricter Regulation 293

New Words 294

Terms and Expressions 295

Notes 296

Exercises 298

Supplementary Reading 301

Chapter 12 Insurance 303

12.1 Insurance and Risks 304

12.2 Insurance Principles 305

12.3 Insurance Contracts 308

12.4 Types of Insurance 309

12.5 Reinsurance 316

New Words 320

Terms and Expressions 323

Proper Names 324

Notes 325

Exercises 326

Supplementary Reading 330

Chapter 13 A Brief Account of Financial Crisis 333

13.1 Definition of Financial Crisis 334

13.2 Some Types of Financial Crisis 334

13.3 Causes of Financial Crisis 337

13.4 A Case Study of the Financial Crisis in 2008 341

New Words 346

Terms and Expressions 348

Proper Names 349

Notes 349

Exercises 352

Supplementary Reading 354

Chapter 14 International Monetary System 357

14.1 The Gold Standard 359

14.2 The Bretton Woods System 360

14.3 The Jamaica System 363

14.4 Reform of International Monetary System 365

New Words 367

Terms and Expressions 368

Proper Names 369

Notes 369

Exercises 371

Supplementary Reading 373

Chapter 15 Financial Institutions in China 377

15.1 The Regulatory Institutions in China 378

15.2 Banks 380

15.3 Non-bank Financial Institutions 384

15.4 Foreign-funded Financial Institutions in China 389

New Words 391

Terms and Expressions 393

Proper Names 395

Notes 396

Exercises 398

Supplementary Reading 401

Chapter 16 International Financial Institutions 403

16.1 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 404

16.2 The World Bank 409

16.3 Bank for International Settlements (BIS) 413

16.4 Asian Development Bank (ADB) 417

16.5 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) 419

New Words 421

Terms and Expressions 423

Proper Names 424

Notes 425

Exercises 427

Supplementary Reading 430


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