英语口语 unsocial hours究竟是什么意思

外教一对一哪家好 2021-12-18 16:51142未知admin

英语口语:究竟什么是unsocial hours?只是中文“加班”? 从彻底掌握英语的角度讲,只知道别人告诉你是“加班时间”,实在是一种对英语一知半解、不求甚解,甚至误解的学习方法。

英语口语:究竟什么是unsocial hours?只是中文“加班”?




究竟unsocial hours是什么意思?如果你想训练和提高自己的英语,你需要任何时候都能说出下面这些简单又漂亮的英语(不过高中英语也!),不需要添加任何中文理解:

1. Well,unsocial hours is also called anti-social hours.It is British English.

2.If someone works unsocial hours, also called anti-social hours,they work late at night(night shifts 夜班) they work early in the morning, they work at weekends, or they work on public holidays.

3. When you work unusual hours,or work anti-social hours, you work when other people are spending time together.

4. Work unsocial hours or anti-social hours is a British term for working hours that are outside of 7 am. to 7 pm,or 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.

5. When you work unsocial hours in the UK,you mean You work overtime in the USA


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