
外教一对一哪家好 2021-12-18 16:52144未知admin

背景与亮点需要从自己对该领域的认识、自己所获的奖项、参加的活动来阐述,如果没有,就说兴趣。 ◆ During My undergraduate years, (I have been awarded xx and have attended xx) I have accumulated the


◆ During My undergraduate years, (I have been awarded xx and have attended xx) I have accumulated the specialized knowledge of the relevant field and I am quite convinced that it is a promising profession in this day and age. That‘s why I am determined to dedicate the rest of my life to it.


◆ (I’m a student with lots of hobbies, eg. I enjoy …)As for my personality, my friends often call me a diligent and adaptable person with teamwork spirit. Therefore, I’m quit confident that I can adapt to the new life here within no time and survive the postgraduate years–of course,if I’m so lucky to be given the chance.




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