跟着大运学英语② 成都大运会这些常识要害,你get到了吗

外教一对一哪家好 2022-02-18 11:02125未知admin

??四川在线记者 邓涵予 为了前进成都市民对大运会的参加度和认可度,营建世界化空气,成都大运会执委会在四川在线开设“跟着大运学英语”专栏,经过18期内容向广大市民发布成都

??四川在线记者 邓涵予




In March 2021, during the Executive Committee meeting of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) in Russia, Chengdu was officially attributed to host the 31st edition of the FISU World University Games (formerly known as the Universiade), which will be the third FISU World University Games on the Chinese mainland following the Beijing 2001 Summer Universiade and the Shenzhen 2011 Summer Universiade, and the first world multi-sport event to take place in western China.


Organised by FISU as a world multi-sport event, the FISU World University Games has summer editions and winter editions, and are staged every two years. The first Universiade was held in Turin, Italy, and the Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games will be delivered from 26 June to 7 July 2022. With ‘Chengdu Makes Dreams Come True’ as the slogan, Chengdu will incorporate the philosophy of hosting a ‘Sustainable, Smart, Spirited, and Sharing’ event.



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