
外教一对一哪家好 2022-03-04 10:31121未知admin

【博奥·英语】每日一题: 【一、二年级】小短文阅读: One day a wolf got hurt(受伤)very badly. He did not feel well and could not move(移动). He felt very thirsty and hungry, but he could not get up to get



One day a wolf got hurt(受伤)very badly. He did not feel well and could not move(移动). He felt very thirsty and hungry, but he could not get up to get water. A sheep walked by so he asked him to get some water from the river. “If you bring(给)me the water,” said the wolf, “I will be able to(将能够)find some food.” “If I bring you the water,” said the sheep, “you will try to make me your food!”


( ).1. The wolf felt a little hungry.

( ).2. The sheep is not helpful(乐于助人的).

( ).3. The wolf is very thirsty.

( ).4. The wolf and the sheep are friends.

( ).5. The sheep is clever(聪明的).




改错: I have many money in my pocket(口袋).





A.What's for dinner?

B.What's dinner?




now, he’s, English, learning ( . )




I _______ (have) a picnic with my friends tomorrow.




随着“健康中国” 活动不断地深入,徐州市许多中小学也开展了”健康校园” 的建设,努力让每一个孩子健康生活。假如Jim是你们学校健康俱乐部的一员,也是你的好朋友,请你根据提示介绍一下他的健康生活吧!


What Jim eats

How he lives

早餐: 一个鸡蛋、一杯牛奶和一些包子





注意: 1. 词数60左右(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数),可适当发挥。

2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。

I have a friend. He is Jim. He is a member of Health Club. He has a healthy life.

I hope everyone can have a healthy life like Jim's.




请根据以下要点写一篇60﹣80词左右的英语短文, 要求字迹清楚, 条理清晰, 建议合理。(开头已给出, 不计入总词数)

1. 你的朋友是Lisa是八年级的一名学生, 她每天熬夜做作业, 第二天上课时总是感到疲惫, 想睡觉;

2. 她总是担心自己的成绩, 感觉压力太大;

3. 她乐于助别人, 做志愿者。这个周末她和同学们要去儿童医院看望生病的孩子, 在那里她们唱歌, 做游戏, 讲故事。他们希望孩子们能开心;

4. 请你针对Lisa目前的学习方法给她提两条建议。

参考词汇:be under too much pressure(压力很大)

stay up late(熬夜)

the Children's Hospital(儿童医院)

Lisa is my good friend. She is in Grade Eight.






1. 晚会于6月25号18点30分在你们班教室举行;

2. 同学们将表演节目,比如唱英文歌曲、跳舞、弹奏乐器等;

3. 你希望Nathan能为晚会提出一些好的建议,并为大家表演一个节目;

4. 可适当自由发挥。

参考词汇:invite v. 邀请 give performance 表演节目 advice 建议

Dear Nathan,

I'm Li Ming, the monitor of Class 3. I'm glad to tell you that ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I'm looking forward to your reply.


Li Ming


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