
外教一对一哪家好 2022-03-11 10:05124未知admin



2.    阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

Boys like to be considered to be brave, but what kind of things can be considered to be brave? It is not a question that can be answered by words, but by the actual action. A boy with the name Henry gave us a good example. Ronny and Henry were two friends in the same class. They always played together and went home together. One day as Ronny and Henry were going home after school, they saw some people fighting in the street corner. Ronny said excitedly, "Some people are fighting! Let's go and have a look!" But Henry refused, "It's none of our business. We'd better go home and don't get close to them. Also our parents are expecting to have dinner with us together at home and I don't want them to worry about me."

"You are a coward(胆小鬼), and afraid to go," said Ronny, and off he ran to the spot with some other boys. Henry had to go home alone and didn't think about it anymore. But Ronny thought Henry was a coward and told all the boys that. They laughed at him a great deal. From then on, they looked down upon Henry and didn't want to play with him.

Henry was sad but he wasn't angry with Ronny for his rude behavior, because he had learned that true courage was shown most in accepting misunderstanding when it was not deserved, and that he ought to be afraid of nothing but doing wrong. Thus, he just ignored the other boys' laughter and continued to stick to his thought and go to school and study as well. Since Ronny didn't invite Henry to go home with him anymore. Every day after school, Ronny and his new friends didn't go home directly but went to the river or somewhere to play games and had lots of fun.

Paragraph 1:

A few days later, something terrible happened to Ronny.


Paragraph 2:

At that moment, Henry happened to pass by.


3.    假定你是李华,你的朋友Simon写信告诉你他沉迷于打篮球,每天花很多时间打球,结果家庭作业不能准时上交。父母和老师很不满,要他放弃这个爱好,他很生气。根据以下提示,请你就 Simon的问题给他提一些有用的建议。




注意: 1.词数80左右;


Dear Simon,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


It was a bitterly cold and dark day in December. I was walking home from work, hungry and worn out after my long day. My team was due to complete our big project before we left for our winter vacation, but our boss delivered bad news that our client had contacted him and demanded a major revision on the project before they would accept it. The whole team was desperate—we were so close to finishing and now we would most likely have to work over and miss the entire vacation.

So caught up in my anxious thoughts was I that I failed to watch where I was walking until I stepped, with a dramatic splash(溅起), off the sidewalk and into a giant, half-frozen pool of water at the side of the road. I could feel the icy water into my shoes and socks, slowly soaking up into my trousers legs around my ankles. I sighed deeply and almost cried—I was having, as my grandmother always used to say, "one of those days when nothing goes your way."

A wave of loneliness filled me. I loved my job and my coworkers and most days when I was satisfied with my life but now, especially around the holidays, the reminders that I didn't have a partner or children like my sister or some of my coworkers did fill me with sadness. As I looked down sadly at my unpleasant situation, I saw a brief spot of movement out of the corner of my eye. There, attached to a cold piece of cardboard in the middle of the pool, was a small patch of grey fur.

As I watched, the little spot moved again, before letting out an outsized cry of sorrow and grief, so loud was it that you would think it came from a creature five times the size. It was a cat!

Paragraph 1:

Slowly and carefully so as not to frighten it, I bent down and picked up the cat.


Paragraph 2:

My sister is a nurse, and therefore the family expert on caring for animals.


5.    假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Michael知道中国人很重视家风传承,他在给你的电子邮件中提到想了解你家的家风。请你给他回一封电子邮件。
参考词汇:家风family spirit



Afternoon was Mrs. Conroy’s favorite time of day. After a day’s hard work, her eyes were tired and her feet hurt. She enjoyed the nice long nap she took on the bus. Mrs. Conroy had made friends with the bus driver, Mr. Angstrom. He always woke her up before her stop. She usually felt fresh when she got off the bus.

But today was different. Mr. Angstrom wasn’t driving. A small man in a wrinkled uniform sat in the driver’s seat.

“Where’s Mr. Angstrom?” asked Mrs. Conroy, dropping her money into the box.

“I don’t know. Sick, I guess. I just work here, lady. Step to the back seat.”

Mrs. Conroy hoped that Mr. Angstrom was all right. She didn’t like this new driver. She decided not to sleep on the way home today. She didn’t want to ask this driver to wake her. He didn’t look like the type who’d want to do anyone a favor.

Mrs. Conroy tried to keep her eyes open, but the gentle rocking of the bus had a calm effect. Within a few minutes her eyes closed. With her head dropping to her shoulders, Mrs. Conroy fell fast asleep.

The next thing Mrs. Conroy knew, a hand was on her shoulder. Someone was shaking her awake.

“Wake up, lady. We’ve come to the end of the line. Wake up.”

Mrs. Conroy blinked (眨眼) and opened her eyes. The bus driver looked down at her. “Time for you to get off the bus.”

Mrs. Conroy peered out the window. “Where am I?” she asked. “I was supposed to get off at Essex Avenue.”

“You’re at the last stop, lady. Come on, get off the bus. I have a schedule to keep to.”

Mrs. Conroy was having trouble waking up. The bus driver took her arm and helped her down the bus. “Wait a minute,” she said in a sharp voice. “This isn’t Essex Avenue. Where am I? How can I get home?”

“Can you ride me back?” she begged. “Sorry, lady. It’s against the rules.” he said as he closed the door.


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Mrs. Conroy watched the bus disappear down the road. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ten minutes later, the bus driver returned and sped up to Mrs. Conroy. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7.    假定你是李华,你的英国好友Tom在学校羽毛球比赛中获得第一名,请你给他写封祝贺信,要点如下:









Dear Tom,


Best wishes.


Li Hua


Everyone might be a kind person, but outside our family and friends, we don’t often practice kindness. We work on being kind to our families, our friends, and hopefully ourselves, but being kind to a complete stranger is odd.

Back in February of 2018, I decided that I wanted to invite complete strangers over for dinner for Valentine’s day. On February 13, I went to Washington Square Park and began my quest. I was definitely nervous, but kept reminding myself that the worst that could happen was I’d get a bunch of no’s. The world wouldn’t stop spinning. I wouldn’t lose a limb (上肢). I’d simply get a “no,” and that would be it.

Out of around 50 people that I asked, over 20 said yes and gave me their phone numbers. Later that day, I texted every single one of them. Fourteen didn’t reply. Six said they couldn’t make it. Two confirmed (and one of them was bringing his roommate, making it three definite yeses).

Well, I was a little disappointed, as I expected more people to reply, but I couldn’t complain. It’s always easier to say yes in person and then refuse someone via text. Nevertheless(高中资源)http://www.huadizhixue.com, I wanted to try and get a few more people. I went on Instagram and started looking through my Instagram followers.

I found a couple of people who were in their mid-20s, seemed sweet, and lived in New York. I directly messaged them and hoped for the best. One said she couldn’t make it. Three people confirmed. Perhaps this wasn’t going to be a failed mission after all—six people were coming over! Oh, and one cute pup too, as one of the girls whom I approached at Washington Square Park was bringing her dog.




Paragraph 1:

Finally the day came. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

When everyone had left, I sat down and processed what had just happened.




Nowadays, many a student doesn’t have enough time to do sports, which causes some health problems like being overweight. Therefore, our school is conducting Sunshine Sports activities with the aim of arousing our interest in sports and improving our health.

As scheduled, the activities are held from 5:30 to 6:00 every afternoon. We are free to do whatever we like, such as rope skipping, martial arts, table tennis and badminton. The schoolyard is full of laughter and life.

The Sunshine Sports activities, as the name suggests, make us "sunshine" teens. Besides, we have a better understanding of sports, friendship as well as team spirit.


Paragraph 1:

A few days later, something terrible happened to Ronny. That afternoon after school, Ronny was bathing happily with some of his new friends in the river. All of a sudden, he was stuck in the weeds and couldn't get out. He struggled with all his efforts but he still got trapped. He screamed for help, but all in vain. The boys were terrified and got out of the water as fast as they could. So scared were they that they didn't even try to help and fled in panic.【高分句型一】(罗尼在河边玩耍时,被水草困住后不能脱险,其他的孩子因为害怕,从水里跑出来了)

Paragraph 2:

At that moment, Henry happened to pass by. He heard the screams and rushed to the river. Seeing Ronny fluttering in the water and almost drowned, Henry tore off his clothes, kicked off his shoes and jumped into the river without the slightest hesitation. He reached Ronny just as he was sinking and losing consciousness. With all his might, Henry brought Ronny to the shore in time. Henry felt pleased to save his friend and prove to him what real courage is by his actual deeds, though he was stupefied with exhaustion.【高分句型二】(亨利在听到求助声后,毫不犹疑地跳进水里,把罗尼救了出来)


Dear Simon,

Thank you for your letter. You say you don't have enough time to do your homework I think you'd better plan your day carefully. It will be a good choice to make a list of all the homework you have to do. This will give you an idea of how much free time you can have to play basketball. Don't give up your hobby but do not forget about your study, either. You should keep a balance between study and bobby.

I hope my advice will be of some value to you

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Paragraph 1:

Slowly and carefully so as not to frighten it, I bent down and picked up the cat. The cat protested loudly as I lifted it into the air, twisting and biting at my fingers with surprising strength. I was glad to see that it was so energetic—I hoped that meant it would be more likely to survive. Ignoring the kitten's protests, I carefully tucked it against my chest inside my coat to try and keep it warm. 【高分句型一】My ignorance made me anxious—I didn't know what I was doing and I didn't want to harm the poor creature. But, after another cry of protest, the cat became calm and went to sleep.(作者想帮助小猫让它在寒冬中存活下来)

Paragraph 2:

My sister is a nurse, and therefore the family expert on caring for animals. I hurried to call and ask for her advice. She calmly and efficiently told me what to do as I hurried home, stopping briefly at a corner store to buy some supplies she insisted I would need. When I finally reached my apartment, I dried the soaked cat and fed it the food I had bought. The cat still looked at me with great suspicion, but the food seemed to be winning it over. As the cat once more fell asleep, now happy and warm, I smiled. 【高分句型二】After all perhaps I would not have a lonely vacation this year.(作者向姐姐求助并把小猫带回家的过程)


Dear Michael,

Learning you are curious about my family spirit, I'm writing to tell you something about it. In fact there are many good qualities that have been passed down from generation to generation in my family.【高分句型一】My parents always stress the importance of honesty, bravery, perseverance and diligence.(简单介绍自家的家风)

My family spirit has a great influence on me. I'm always friendly to others and ready to help others. I always cheer myself up and never stop chasing my goal even though I meet with difficulties.【高分句型二】Owing to those qualities, I have made great achievements in my study and life.(家风给自己带来的影响)


Li Hua


Paragraph 1

Mrs. Conroy watched the bus disappear down the road. She looked around and tried to figure out what part of the city she was in, but she didn’t recognize this place. There were no trees around, no taxis, no street signs, and no people. There was nothing to see in any direction. Mrs. Conroy wondered if she were still dreaming. The night was drawing near, and it was quiet all around. Mrs. Conroy felt terribly scared, not knowing what to do.

Paragraph 2

Ten minutes later, the bus driver returned and sped up to Mrs. Conroy. Thinking of the poor woman, he decided to break the company’s rules and help the woman. He soon saw Mrs. Conroy standing in the wind, helplessly. “I’m so sorry, madam. I shouldn’t leave you here alone in spite of the company rules. Please forgive me. I’ll drive you home.” Hearing this, Mrs. Conroy was excited and appreciated for the driver’s behavior. The company praised the bus driver for what he did instead of punishing him for his breaking rules.

解析: 本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Mrs. Conroy每天都乘公交车与司机成为了好朋友,这一天公交车换了一个司机,为遵守时间表在最后一站他喊MS Conroy醒来,但Mrs. Conroy却无法找到家的故事。


①由第一段首句内容“康罗伊太太看着公共汽车消失在路上。”可知,第一段可描写Mrs. Conroy无法找回家的无助。

②由第二段首句内容“十分钟后,公共汽车司机回来加速向康罗伊太太驶来。”可知,第二段可描写公交司机最终还是帮助了Mrs. Conroy。

2续写线索:环顾四周一感到害怕一司机回程一道歉一帮助Mrs. Conroy一受到表扬



①弄清楚:make certain/figure out

②决定:resolve/make up one's mind

③赞赏:approve of/admire


①害怕:be scared/with a look of fright


③兴奋:sweep off one's foot/wind up


Dear Tom,

I'm very excited to know the news that you are the first in the badminton match held in school last Sunday. I show my congratulations sincerely. This is a good evidence to show what hard work you've devoted to practising and improving your skills. When you first learned to play badminton, you were at a loss about the basic skills and felt embarrassed. But it wasn't long before you caught up and became an excellent player. That you won the first prize shows your great determination and painstaking effort in practising badminton. I hope that one day we can have a game of badminton, so that I can learn from you.

Best wishes.


Li Hua


Finally, the day came, Anxious but excited, I spent the whole day cleaning the house and preparing the food. With everything ready, all guests arrived one by one. Within the next hour and a half, I had six complete strangers laughing, eating, and drinking at my apartment. Music was playing, the conversation was flowing, and new friendships were being formed. It was incredible. One of the people, whom I messaged on Instagram, told me this was one of the most fun New York City experiences he'd ever had. All enveloped in a curtain of darkness, it was time to say goodbye.

When everyone had left, I sat down and processed what had just happened. I couldn’t believe that 48 hours before I didn't know any of these people, and now we were all laughing and talking like we'd always been friends. It was a really enjoyable and unforgettable experience for me. It also made me realize that doing something kind for strangers isn't awkward but meaningful. Whether it's paying it forward with a cup of coffee or simply smiling at a stranger, random acts of kindness do make the world a little better (173 words)

解析: 本文以人物为线索展开,文章讲述了作者想做些善举,他邀请陌生人吃饭,一些人同意,一些人拒绝了,作者又到社交媒体上邀请一些人。







①准备:prepare/make a preparation

②播放:play/put on

③相信:believe/be convinced


①兴奋:be excited/with excitement



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