12.17 【英语美文】马克吐温幽默讽刺短篇《着魔的洗脑旋律,请小心...

外教一对一哪家好 2022-03-23 10:33124未知admin

Introduction 马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家、演说家,真实姓名是萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)。“马克·吐温”是他的笔名,原是密西西比河水手使用的表示在航道上所


马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家、演说家,真实姓名是萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)。“马克·吐温”是他的笔名,原是密西西比河水手使用的表示在航道上所测水的深度的术语。代表作品有小说《百万英镑》、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《汤姆·索亚历险记》等。



I am sure you have had days on which you simply could not get a particular song out of your mind. It is fascinating, how our brain usually selects the most trivial sentences in a song, or the most unimpressive tones in a music piece to remember and repeat, non-stop. As with mr. Mark Twain, the writer of this story, himself, who recounts here how a simple rhyme he read in a newspaper drove him crazy. Like any infectious disease, he one day passes the jingle that is stuck in his mind to his dear friend, who from that moment on cannot get rid of it. Let’ read how this friend of Mark Twain dealt with this torturing song in his thoughts, all through a funeral sermon he had to give,which was as expected, not so much appreciated.


1. Will the reader please cast his eye over the following lines, and see if he can discover anything harmful in them? “Conductor, when you receive a fare, Punch in the presence of the passenjare! A blue trip slipfor an eight-cent fare, A buff trip slip for a six-cent fare, A pink trip slip for a three-cent fare, Punch in the presence of the passenjare! CHORUS: Punch, brothers! punch with care! Punch in the presence of the passenjare!”












2. I came across thesejinglingrhymes in a newspaper, a little while ago, and read them a couple of times. They took instant and entire possession of me. All through breakfast they went waltzing through my brain; and when, at last, I rolled up my napkin, I could not tell whether I had eaten anything or not.


Fare (noun)

英 /fe?/ 美 /f?r/


Passenjare (noun)


Buff (adj.)

英 /b?f/ 美 /b?f/



(noun) 英 /'k??r?s/ 美 /'k?r?s/


Jingling (verb, from: to jingle)

'd?i?ɡli?/ 发出叮当声;押韵

Rhymes (noun)

美 /ra?m/ 押韵(rhyme的复数);尾韵

Waltzing(verb, from: to waltz)

英 /w??l(t)s; w?l-/ 美 /w?lts/ 跳华尔兹舞;

3. I fought hard for an hour, but it was useless. My head kept humming, "A blue trip slip for an eight-cent fare, a buff trip slip for a six-cent fare," and so on and so on, without peace or respite. The planned day's work was ruined--I could see that plainly enough. I suffered all morning and afternoon; suffered all through an unconscious and unrefreshing dinner; suffered, and cried, and jingled all through the evening; went to bed and rolled, tossed, and jingledright along; I got up at midnight frantic,and tried to read; but there was nothing visible upon the whirlingpage except "Punch! punch in the presence of the passenjare." By sunrise I was out of my mind, and everybody marveled and was distressed at the idiotic burden of myravings--"Punch! oh, punch! punch in the presence of the passenjare!"

我花了一个小时打算把这段话忘掉,但失败了。我的脑袋一直在嗡嗡作响地单曲回放——“蓝色车票票面8美分;浅黄色车票票面 6美分……”,完全不给我平静下来喘息一下的机会。毫无疑问,我一整天的工作计划就这样泡汤了。它让我整个上午和下午都备受煎熬;晚餐同样在煎熬中度过,吃下的每一口食物都变得索然无味;整个晚上,我的头脑里除了煎熬、呐喊,剩下的就只有那段节奏明快、合辙押韵的话语;我躺在床上准备入睡,于是我开始辗转反侧,那段话依旧萦绕在我耳边;午夜时分,我被惊醒了,然后,我起来试图读读书;但在翻动的书页间,除了那段““检票了,伙计们!检票了,当面检!””以外,我什么也看不见。直到日出时,我依然心不在焉。见到我的每个人,都被我嘴里不停念叨的那段愚蠢的话——“检票了,伙计们!检票了,当面检!”,弄得莫名其妙,痛苦不已。

4. Two days later, on Saturday morning, I arose, a tottering wreck, and went forth to see a valued friend, the Rev. Mr.------, to walk to the Talcott Tower, ten miles distant. When he saw me he said: "Mark, are you sick? I never saw a man look sohaggard and worn and absent-minded. Say something, do!" Drearily, without enthusiasm, I said: "Punch brothers, punch with care! Punch in the presence of the passenjare!"


Respite (noun)

英 /'respa?t; -sp?t/ 美 /'r?sp?t/


Tossed (verb, from to toss)


Frantic (adj.)

英 /'fr?nt?k/ 美 /'fr?nt?k/



(verb, from: to whirl) 美 /hw?l/


Ravings (noun)

英 /'re?v??/ 美 /'rev??/


Haggard (adj.)

英 /'h?g?d/ 美 /'h?ɡ?d/


Drearily (adv.) /'dr??r?l?/


5. My friend eyed me blankly, looked perplexed, they said: "I do not think I get your drift, Mark. Then does not seem to be any relevancy in what you have said. What is--" But I heard no more. I was already far away with my pitiless, heartbreaking "blue trip slip for an eight-cent fare, buff trip slip for a six-cent fare, pink trip slip for a three-cent fare; punch in the presence of the passenjare." I do not know what occurred during the other nine miles.

我的朋友茫然地看着我,看上去很困惑。他对我说:“我搞不懂你在说什么,马克。你说的话似乎毫无关联。那个——是什么意思? ”但我根本没听到他在说什么,我的思绪早已被那段冷漠且令人心碎的“蓝色票,八分钱,黄色票,六分钱,粉色票,三分钱, 检票时,当面检!检票时!当面检!”;请当着乘客的面给车票打孔”带到了九霄云外。我完全不知道接下来的9英里路程都发生了什么。

6. However, all of a sudden Mr.------ stood there, very grave, full of concern, apparently, and looked long at me; then he said: "Mark, there is something about this that I cannot understand. Those are about the same words you said before; there does not seem to be anything in them, and yet they nearly break my heart when you say them. Punch in the--how is it they go?" I began at the beginning and repeated all the lines.

突然,某先生站在那里,看了我好长时间,显然,他的目光里充满了严肃和关切。 然后,他对我说:“马克,有些事我无法理解。就是你之前翻来覆去说的那些话。那些话似乎毫无内容,而且,每次你说那些话,都会令我非常不舒服。什么给车票打孔什么的,怎么说来着?”于是,我从头开始,又给他说了好几遍那段话。

Perplexed (adj.)

/'dr??r?l?/ 令人迷惑的

7. My friend's face lighted with interest. He said: "Why, what a captivating jingle it is! It is almost music. It flows along so nicely. I have nearly caught the rhymes myself. Say them over just once more, and then I'll have them, sure." I said them over. Then Mr. ------ said them. He made one little mistake, which I corrected. The next time and the next he got them right. Now a great burden seemed to tumble from my shoulders. That torturing jingle departed out of my brain, and a grateful sense of rest and peace descended upon me. I was light-hearted enough to sing; so I did sing and even talked for two hours, straight along, as we went jogging homeward.


8. As Iwrungmy friend's hand at parting, I said: "Haven't we had a royal good time! But now I remember, you haven't said a word for two hours. Come, come, out with something!" The Rev. Mr.------ turned a lack-luster eyeupon me, drew a deep sigh, and said, without animation, without apparent consciousness: "Punch, brothers, punch with care! Punch in the presence of the passenjare!" A pang shot through me as I said to myself, "Poor fellow, poor fellow! he has got it, now." I did not see Mr.------ for two or three days after that. Then, on Tuesday evening, he staggeredinto my presence and sank dejectedlyinto a seat. He was pale, worn; he was a wreck.

当与我的朋友挥手告别时,我对他说:“今天可真开心啊!但,我记得你已经两个小时没说一句话了。快,快来说点儿什么吧!”牧师某先生向我投来了暗淡的目光,深深地叹了一口气,死气沉沉地说: 检票时,当面检!检票时!当面检!” 我心中感到一阵刺痛,自言自语道: “可怜的家伙,可怜的家伙!现在轮到他了!”之后的两三天,我没见到某先生。直到星期二的晚上,他步履蹒跚地出现在我面前,垂头丧气地瘫坐在椅子上。他脸色苍白,看上去十分疲倦且病病殃殃的。

Drift (noun)

英 /dr?ft/ 美 /dr?ft/


Captivating (adj.)

英 /'k?pt?ve?t??/


Wrung(verb, from: to wring)

英 /r??/ 美 /r??/ 拧

Lack-luster eye

(adj. + noun, expression)



(verb, from: to stagger)

美 /'st?ɡ?d/ 蹒跚

Dejectedly (adv.)

/di'd?ektidli/ 沮丧地;灰心地

9. He lifted his faded eyes to my face and said: "Ah, Mark, it was aruinousinvestment that I made in those heartless rhymes. They have ridden me like a nightmare, day and night, hour after hour, to this very moment. Since I saw you I have suffered the torments of the lost. Saturday evening I had a sudden call, by telegraph, and took the night train for Boston. The occasion was the death of a valued old friend who had requested that I should preach his funeral sermon.


10. Of course it would be my luck right before the funeral to find a sorrowing and aged maiden aunt of the deceased there. She began to sob, and said: "'Oh, oh, he is gone, he is gone, and I didn't see him before he died!' "'Yes!' I said, 'he is gone, he is gone, he is gone--oh, will this suffering never cease!' "'You loved him, then! Oh, you too loved him!' "'Loved him! Loved who?' "'Why, my poor George! my poor nephew!' "'Oh--him! Yes--oh, yes, yes. Certainly--certainly. Punch--punch--oh, this misery will kill me!' "'Bless you! bless you, sir, for these sweet words! I, too, suffer in this dear loss. Were you present during his last moments?” “'Yes. I--whose last moments?” “His. The dear departed's.” “Yes! Oh, yes--yes--yes! I suppose so, I think so, I don't know! Oh, certainly--I was there I was there!” "'Oh, what a privilege! what a precious privilege! And his last words- -oh, tell me, tell me his last words! What did he say?'

就在葬礼即将开始之前,我幸运地遇到了死者的一个姑姑。她虽然已经年纪很大,但一直未婚。她悲伤地哭泣着说道:‘哦,哦,他走了,他走了,我都没能在他死前见他一面!’‘是的!’我说,‘他走了,他走了,他走了——哦,这种痛苦永远不会停歇!’‘那么,你是爱他的!哦,你也是爱他的!’‘爱他!爱谁?’‘为什么上天要带走我可怜的乔治!我可怜的侄子!’‘哦——是他!对的——哦,对的,对的。当然——当然。 检票时,当面检!检票时!当面检!”——哦,我已无法承受这痛苦!’‘祝福您!祝福您,先生,为您暖心的话语!我同样承受着这份失去亲人的痛苦。他最后的时间,您是否陪伴他身边?’‘是的。我——谁的最后时间?’‘他的。我亲爱的侄子离开人世时。’‘是的!哦,是的——是的——是的!我认为是的,我想是的,我其实不知道!哦,当然——我在他身边,我在他身边!’‘哦,您怎么会享受到这种特权!多么宝贵的特权!他的遗言——哦,告诉我,告诉我他的遗言!他最后说了什么?’

Ruinous (adj.)

英 /'ru??n?s/ 美 /'ru?n?s/


Sermon (noun)

英 /'s??m?n/ 美 /'s?m?n/


11. "'He said--he said--oh, my head, my head, my head! He said--he said--he never said anything but Punch, punch, punch in the presence of the passenjare! Oh, leave me, madam! In the name of all that is generous, leave me to my madness, my misery, my despair!--a buff trip slip for a six-cent fare, a pink trip slip for a three-cent fare--endu--rance can no fur--ther go!--PUNCH in the presence of the passenjare!"

‘他说——他说——哦,我的头,我的头,我的头!他说——他说——除了‘ 检票时,当面检!检票时!当面检!”他什么也没说!哦,夫人,请让我一个人待会儿!我请求您的宽宏大量,让我单独和我的疯狂、我的痛苦、我的绝望待一会儿!——浅黄色车票票面 6美分;粉色车票票面3美分——我再也——无法——忍耐了!’”

12. My friend's hopeless eyes rested upon mine a pregnant minute, and then he said impressively: "Mark, you do not say anything. You do not offer me any hope. But, ah me, it is just as well--it is just as well. You could not do me any good. The time has long gone by when words could comfort me.”


13. To end his misery, I took him to a neighboring university and made him discharge the burden of his persecutingrhymes into the eager ears of the poor, unthinking students. How is it with them, now? The result is too sad to tell. Why did I write this article? It was for a worthy, even a noble, purpose. It was to warn you, reader, if you should came across those merciless rhymes, to avoid them--avoid them as you would a pestilence.



(verb, from: to persecute)

英 /'p??s?kju?t/ 美 /'p?s?kjut/


Pestilence (noun)

英 /'pest?l(?)ns/ 美 /'p?st?l?ns/


The End





































第二,作品常常以第一人称“我”为主人公,这个“我”像中国相声里的主人公一样,扮演各种喜剧性人物。他们大都天真、老实、无知,思想单纯,做事结果常常事与愿违。 主人公总是怀着某种理想或某种单纯的想法,但在现实中处处碰壁,以此形成真实虚伪,天真与复杂的鲜明对比。


创作特点 作品主题










" Monday with Nick“


















Nov 12.17点击下图收听今日音频

听写 英文版+中译

【关 键 词】

different 与众不同

hot water 热白开

dry skin 皮肤干燥

moisturizer 润肤霜

I am all healed 我嗓子好啦

winter is cold 冬天很冷

the electrical oven 电取暖器

small favor 小善举

Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐

travelling tips 旅行小窍门




What are your travel tips?

(as the travel season is approaching,

we need your travel tip!)




ミサ鹊踏枝、Amalia 田、王、神起蛛蛛



0-2‘30’‘ 刘辉

Hi,everyone. This is Nick, and this is another Monday short story. And before I tell you the title of this week’s short story, and I want to let you know that after the last week’s short story from the great HG Wells, I was wondering how can we possibly follow that, how can we deliver a short story of that quality. It’s even possible, well it’s possible. And I believe we have done it. I take a deep pride and honor to narrate the words of the author who wrote the short story that you will be hearing and just a few moments we can all make a strong argument that he is in fact the most talented and most famous author to come out of the United States of America. And also who has a wide range lots and lots range. I give you an example what I mean. He combined rich humor, sturdy narrative and social criticism to create what would become one of the most famous books all time,Hunckle berry. Yes that’s right. The great Mark Twain is the author of today’s short story which is called Punch Brothers Punch. And well it was mean to be humorous short story. I as a narrator approach with different tones. I think it’s important to know that Mark Twain wrote in a funny format that was always a serious message in his collection of the words. And Punch Brothers Punch Twain use the catchy innocent jingle to cause chaos in the two main character’s life. My personal opinion on this short story is no what is good information and what is bad information.

大家好。我是Nick,欢迎来到今天的周一《自由谈》。在我告诉你今天的小故事之前,我想让大家知道关于上周HG Wells的小故事,我在想我们应该如何跟进,我们应该如何传递分享高质量的小故事。这是有可能的,确实有可能。我也确信我们已经做到了。过一会儿,我将怀着无比崇高的敬意来讲述你即将听到的这个文章故事,我们也可以来一场激烈的讨论。事实上他也是美国最有才华,最出名作家,他的知识非常渊博。我会举例说明,他的故事非常有幽默感,可以把各种社会讽刺评论融合在一起,创造出历史经典名作《Hunckle berry》。是的,他就是马克.吐温,今天的小故事《检票了,伙计们,检票了》的作者,这是一个非常经典的幽默小说。作为一个讲述者,我尝试着运用用不同语气。我认为非常有必要让你们知道马克.吐温的幽默又讽刺的写作风格,但又能从他的作品中传递出严肃的故事情节信息。在《检票了,伙计们,检票了》里,马克.吐温运用天真单纯的语言,却又塑造了两个主要人物复杂混乱的性格特点。关于这个故事,我的个人观点是,没有什么是绝对的好消息,也没有什么是绝对的坏消息。


Share the positive information and ignore the nonsense, in this digital world that we live in. It is easy to catch the dose of those bad jingles. But we are strong enough to create our own filters. Now listen carefully ,because punch, brothers, punch is cultural classic and you will jingle all the way: To the presence of the passenger! This is punch ,brothers, punch by the great Mark Twain.




5'00-7’30 Jessica

我这周的自由谈以向你们寻求一个小的帮助开始。帮助这个词可是一个大词,那么就忽略我跟你们说的小忙,这个词本身是个相当大的词,那么帮助具体是什么意思呢?帮助 Favor,帮助的定义呢就是:超过了平时本身所能做的事情的一种善行。例如:我想要让你们帮的忙显然不是你们平时常做的,或者也不是平常发生的事,而是一件好事。自私点说这个好事就是为我做的。但是比起自私的请求我有个大的构思,我从来不会请人帮我做我做不到也不能做的事,所以我知道你们现在是怎么想的。


7’30-10’00 Seed


10’00-12’30 菩若呢喃

作为一个社群,我觉得我们可以帮助他们,一个小举动就能使他们的圣诞节更特别,对,就是小举动,祝你圣诞快乐,这非常神奇,一想到这个点子就感动了,自己受到了这么棒的小礼物,脸上就会自己浮现出甜甜的笑,兴许我会给你一个大大的拥抱!男人们女人们得到了尼克的爱的抱抱那是多么不同凡响啊!对不起,我只愿你圣诞快乐, 这个小善可以对人们的生活起到很大的影响。你们为了我会去做吗?我希望这个善行能抵达到每一个有勇气而积极的人,且能继续下去。第二天晚上,说,祝你圣诞快乐!如果它对某人产生了积极影响,这个举动就是成功的。你们能为我去做吗?非常期待着你们的反应,如果你们愿意分享体验的话可以在京晶的微信里留言,或者自己独享也很好. 愿你们圣诞快乐! 让我们进入到上周留言的环节,第一条来自于芝华塔尼欧 我发誓我的中文会越来越好有更多的时间练习一定会的,一定,他说,尼克,很开心能在这里给你留言,鉴于一个事前都会做准备的谨慎人,我们是一样的,举个例子,这样说吧,面试,之前每一次面试我都会想象可能会问的各种问题和该如何更好的作答,说实话,我考虑这些是为了临场的发挥。

12’30----15’00 Olivia

‘Hey ,Nick. I am excited to leave a comment here considering I am a typical guy who has to get prepared ahead of time.’ (Nick)You and me are the same, hehe. ‘especially for examinations and interviews .Let me put it this way .Before each interview, I did imagine what kind of problems they would ask and what should be the best answer. To be frank I think it is because I am short of on-the-spot performance. So it is kind of like OCT.’ (Nick)No, I think you mean OCD. ‘ I have to get prepared. But you know what, you can’t be prepared for anything every day. As for what I experienced lately. I opened up a food stall, you know as my avocation. I got myself prepared for all the risk. I told myself it would be an attempt for new business before I started. But it wasn't easy to face the failure. The stall didn’t make ends meet .Recently it is short-of manned. I don’t know if it is that I am not good at running a stall or it is just bad luck. Even though I put a lot of time and energy into it. It is hard to say goodbye to this new career. I am still on the fence about ending it or not. I know it is not your duty to tell me what to do next. But I would like to share my feeling with you.

This is a wonderful comment .This is right up my area of expertise. You see , currently , my real job is helping companies establish themselves as a brand. So a lot of times, new companies ,they are so focus on, you know, the numbers ,so focus on ,like you said, staff ,you know ,you’re short -manned right now , they’re so worried about everything internal. They forget to focus on the environment sees as them . Is it just another shot ? Is it just another service business ? And if so , what’s the difference between the one that I am going to now and this one ? What makes this one so special ? A lot of companies ,a lot of new businesses try to replicate what already exists ,and forget that they have to go above and beyond to make themselves different . Now, ‘different’ is not always a success .No everyone can deal with , cool or uncool ‘different’. But let me tell you ,for every failure there is opportunity . So you have to look at what just happened ?Why did it fail ? When did it fail ?

“嗨,Nick!我很兴奋能做为一个典型的‘事前准备者’留言,” (Nick说)哈哈,我跟你一样。 “特别是在各种考试和面试前。这么说吧,每次面试前,我都会想象着各种会被问到的问题,以及问题的最佳答案。老实说,应该是因为我缺乏实战经验。就是有点所谓的OCT .” (Nick说):你的意思应该是OCD“强迫症”。“我不得不做好准备。但是呢,你不能每天为每件事做好准备的。就我最近的经历来说,我开了一个小食摊铺当作我的事业。我做了应对所有风险的准备。我开始前告诉自己,这是为了自己创业的新尝试。但是面对失败并不容易。小摊铺入不敷出。最近又缺少人手。我不知道是因为我不善经营还是只是运气不好。尽管我花了很多精力和时间在这个上面。跟自己的新事业说再见太难了。我还在犹豫要不要关掉它。我知道你没有责任告诉我接下来该怎么做,但我还是想跟你分享我的感受。”

这是个很棒的评论。这刚好很合乎我的专业范围。你知道的,目前,我的正职工作是帮助公司建立他们自己的品牌。很多时候,新公司他们总是集中精力在数量,就像你说的,职员,你现在人手不够。他们很担心内部的所有东西。却忘了要集中精力在外部环境。这是另外一个机会?这只是另一个新的服务行业?如果是的话,这个跟我之前打算做的有什么不同呢?是什么让这次变得与众不同呢? 很多公司,很多新业务都试着要复制已经存在的东西,却忘了他们要做的应该是超越自我,让他们自己与众不同。现今,“不同”并不总是能成功的。不是每个人都能应对“不同”,接受或者不接受“不同”。但我想告诉你的是,每一次失败都是新的机会。你得好好审视发生了什么?为什么会失败?什么时候失败的?在哪里失败的?


为什么害怕?哪里害怕?什么时候害怕?你需要找到什么?哪里?什么时候?为什么,谁和如何。这不是一个责备的练习。责备任何人或者任何事。这是一个机会的练习,你可以运用这些害怕或者错过的。你知道你错过了一个机会,可能你错过了一个机会,这里或者那里的一个目标。你需要看看这些哪些可能是我做的不好的,可以改善的,去改善。开始一项新的业务,你可能很忙,奇迹是不可能出现的。它花费了大量的组织技巧,同样需要大量的经验和对于结果的风险。我相信你可以做的非常好。无论如何,你心理所想的,有时你会错过一小步,并且这些小步对于你的客户,对于沟通,对于环境,对于任何一个关心你的事业的人都非常非常重要。他们看不到什么呢?那不是按照你的意思发展,这时我说出我的个人建议,我的情感上的盲目建议。给你制作一个游戏计划,但是我觉得你可以写下你的自己的游戏计划。在这里写下我给你的建议,回过头来看,不要责备任何人任何事。这是一个机会,这样可以退一步,为的是前进两步。不然的话你前进的两步会偏离轨道。你知道的,我相信你。在你提到的观点之上我说了很多个人观点,给你加油,加油!你可以做到的。 我们的下一条评论来自成都的嘟嘟。为此我还制作了一首歌曲。你准备好了吗?来自成都的嘟嘟,来自成都的嘟嘟,来自成都的嘟嘟,我唱不下去了,来自成都的嘟嘟,来自成都的嘟嘟,来自成都的嘟嘟,我会尝试着,我将会创作这首歌曲,你又回归了,嘟嘟,嘿,亲爱的NICK,我又回归了。来自成都的嘟嘟。

17’30-20’00 酸奶啊

Hello, dear Nick, i am back, Dudu from Chengdu, it is back to you, it is been too long since last time i chatted to you. Well, where have you been? I am still part of our classes each week. Oh, that is good. I got plenty of stuff to say to you. I just do not know where to start. You have already known about the landmark building, way to better than me. So there is no need that I talked about them again, right? I have done the whole homework, Dudu. Anyway ,here what I wanna tell you is that as you know, we have classes on each afternoon from Monday to Friday in Going for Gold, so actually I have been always much more excited than I am on weekends. Heiheihei... yeah, you known, Monday is day I am looking forward to most, because I am really looking forward to working. I love what I do, and it seems like you really passionate about what you do is well, so we share that characteristic.

This winter is really really really cold. I have already used the eletric oven to keep me warm. You know, you are not the first person who said that. Maybe I should try it out. I am in such great fear of the cold weather, how about you? Yes, I am too. I really don’t like the cold, in fact, I turn to hate up in my house, I am actually guilty to get it too high, another person leaves that house, they always turning it down, but anyway, that’s another story. In southern China, there is no heating at all, heating supply in Northern china. Sad us. But anyway, it’s totally ok for us, cause we, southern individuals, have been used to it since so long time ago. We are kinda of envious of guys of northern China, as we all know, it’s snows. We barely see the snow. Even if we’re lucky see one, it was the so light that it seem I know snow existing at all. But we still are looking forward to it pretty much. Just heard that you have a super big house so you had issue with heating supply, I guess you might use electric oven. In contemporary era, I guess you might order one online as long as the delivery can get to you. Actually, I did order the electic oven and it on the way ,it will be here this afternoon. So if mr kuaidi is listening hurry up. Ok , I am freezing.

你好,亲爱的尼克,我回来了,来自成都的dudu。你回来了,自从我上次和你聊天以来已经好久了。 好吧,你去了哪里? 我每周仍然是我们课程的一部分。 哦,那很好。 我有很多话要对你说。 我只是不知道从哪里开始。 你已经以比我更好的方式了解了标志性建筑。 所以我没有必要再次谈论它们,对吗? 我已经看完了全部作业,dudu。 无论如何,在这里,我想告诉你的是,正如你知道的那样,我们每天下午都会在星期一到星期五的课程,Going for Gold. 所以实际上我总是比周末更兴奋。 Heiheihei ...是的,你知道,星期一是我最期待的一天,因为我真的很想工作。 我喜欢我所做的事情,看起来你对你所做的事情充满热情,所以我们分享这些角色。



So, if Mr.KD is listening ,hurry up ,Ok ?I’m freezing. Nick, as the weather is getting cold, you can drink more water especially hot water to keep you throat well, if you don’t like the pure water, you could mix the pears ,honey ,white carrots and of course water together into a pot ,boil these ingredients for a while, then ,drink the water, and dig all the stuff out. Uh, I ‘m try out.

This soup is pretty good for your throat and lungs,and a little tips for you. You should put the ingredients into the boiling water, and put the honey into your bowl while you are eating .I ‘m gonna try that. I let you know how to goes.

Nevertheless, hope you take care of your throat ,hahaha, especially yourself. You mean a lot to us, everyone of us ,Big mua mua mua....you are so sweet .Speaking of dry weather, dry house ,dry body, dry body, it’s a bit awkward. I mean dry skin ,yeah ,our skin is dry in cold weather ,Yeah ,if body is dry, that wouldn’t works well. In order to keep my face ,my hands etc. moisturizing, I use several lotion with a little bit oil in it and moisturizer myself with cream as well each morning ,afternoon ,evening, three times a day. I also put moisturizer and cream to my hands as soon as I wash my hands very smart?

So,yes, as you know, all kinds of the moisturizer are used pretty quickly.I recommend you use body lotion and cream after bathing. Plus, drink more water, this might keep your skin moisturizing. Plus, Ok hold on ,I’m taking a drink of water right now. All right. I feel much better. Plus , yes, go get a humidifier .

That’s just my individual view ,maybe there would be more other great advice in the comments with help you a lot, duty from what you do .Thank you so much, and finally, this weekends topic as mentioned the holiday are poaching.






Have you guys booked your train or airplane tickets yet? You know I have to ask, right? If not, better go do it fast, because they’re going to be sold out quick. And that’s what this week’s topic is. What are some tips for travelling? Do you book your tickets in advance? Or do you wait for that last-minute deal? Tips for travelling is more than, just, you know, how do you buy your tickets? How do you travel? What’s your preferences of your travelling? And why? It’s pretty a broad topic. But the question remains “what are some tips for travelling?”.

I’d like you guys to share some tips and some tricks that you’ve learned while travelling.

It could’ve been by car, by train, by automobile, by boat, whatever. Seeing at the pick travel season is fastly approaching. I think it’s important that we share our travelling wisdom with the community. What do you guys think? Sounds good? So, in your comment that you can leave on Jingjing’s wechat post. Let us know some tips and somethings you’ve learned to do better during your travels.

I’ll give you one tip for each, train, plane and automobile. Ok? So, on trains, always try to book a train that has a signed seating. Why? That way you don’t have to worry about the long line up. Right? But it’s strange even when people do have a signed seat, they still queue up, like, 10, 15 even 20 minutes before the train’s departure. My tip is before the train arrives to pick you and other passengers up, rather than queuing up, make sure you first find out what track your train will be rolling in and on. And make sure there’re no delays or anything. Then find yourself a comfortable place to relax. You wanna have a clear mind before the train arrive. And I find queuing up when it’s not necessary, just, makes you nervous and anticipating the train and inpatient and tired.



25’00-27’30 王

你在疲累不耐得等着火车,你站了很长时间了,所以找个地方放松一下。但要确保你知道火车到站的时间和确切位置。然后提前五分钟下站台。如果排队进站的人多,那你就歇歇,反正你有自己座位了,别人不会占去。不需要排队,放松,慢慢来。拿好你的包,你的随身物品,整理好一切。火车要进站了,你马上就能走。 再说说乘飞机,我的首要建议,毕竟我乘过那么多次飞机了,就是找个机上靠前的坐位。我一般坐靠近前门几排的坐位。因为一到目的地,就能先离开。对吧?哈哈。不用等前面取行李的人,也不用等把耳机掉在坐位上正找的女人。我觉得尽量坐在前面。那么门一开,一般是头等舱,商务舱先下,但接下来就是你。不管大的喷气式飞机还是小飞机,你先下。想想我们一直蜷着的腿,我想走动一下,我们快下去吧!那你越靠前越快下。关于坐飞机我就建议这个。最后说说自驾。长途自驾重要的是把所有的东西准备得充分、有序、舒适。要知道每个东西的位置。我们很容易忘记整理打包自驾用品。我们总发愁为出行打包行李。但开车本身也需要装备。所以,拿个小包,装上一些零食,饮料,口香糖等等,对了,我还喜欢准备一个喜欢的音乐列表,这样开车时慢慢听,还可以跟着唱。


And I can sing alone too. Haha. It makes the drive more fun .And right? So what are your tips for travelling? It could be anything. How do you pack your luggage? What do you put in your carry-on luggage? what to do during the airplane transfer time? A tip for booking a hotel is hotel near the airport better than downtown. Anything ,guys. Everybody has to have one travel tip. Let me know in Jingjing’s WeChat post of the common section always done for a few of you to leave a comment. I’ll review them and read them on next weeks’ grogram. But until that have an excellent week .so long .folks. And see you next Monday.





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译文:英语PK台 | Billy








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