
在线英语培训哪家好 2023-05-13 05:4359未知admin





★Single 独身


Are you seeing anyone?


How are you still single? You are such a good catch.


You're just too


★Just friends 兄弟而已

★A platonic relationship 纯精力友谊的


Our relationship is strictly platonic.


love 暗恋


Loving someone who doesn't love you back.


One person has feelings for another that is not reciprocated.


I'm in unrequited love with John.



I think he's into me. I'm kind of into him too.

★Asked (someone) out 约会


He asked me out.

★Seeing each other 没有招认彼此要完全投入这段豪情


We're seeing each other. It's nothing serious, though.



★Dating 恋爱中

★【咱们恋爱了。】英文翻译:We're dating.

★In a relationship 恋爱中

★【我正在恋爱中。】英文翻译:I'm in a relationship.

★Going steady树立联络

★【他俩树立联络8个月了。】英文翻译: They've been going steady for 8 months now.

★Get engaged 订亲


】英文翻译: Scott and I just got engaged!

★【咱们现已订亲了。】英文翻译:We're engaged.

★Newlyweds 新婚燕尔

★【我俩刚成婚那阵,他每周带花回家。】英文翻译:Back when we were newlyweds, he'd bring home flowers once a week.

★Happily married 婚姻夸姣

★【我婚姻夸姣,有两个孩子,一个男孩,一个女孩。】英文翻译:I'm happily married, with two kids, a boy and a girl.

★Partner 伴侣

★Significant other 另一半、爱人

★【你有另一半了仍是独身?】英文翻译:Do you have a significant other or are you single?



★Unhealthy relationship 不安康的恋爱联络

★One-sided relationship 单独面情感

★【假定你找或人谈恋爱,只是因为对方长得帅,那你很有可以会堕入一种单独面付出的联络中。】英文翻译:If you date someone just because he is hot, you are at risk for a one-sided relationship.

★Lop-sided relationship 不平衡的豪情

★Unfair/unequal relationship不对等的豪情

★One way relationship 单独面豪情

★Broke up 平缓分手

★Through 掰了

★【我和他掰了!】英文翻译:He and I are through!


★【他刚刚被她女兄弟甩了。】英文翻译:He just got dumped

by his girlfriend.

★Finish with somebody 与或人结束一段豪情

★Walk out on somebody不担任任地甩掉别人

★【那时,他现已和第一任老婆分隔了。】英文翻译:By that time, he had already parted from his first wife.

★Separation 分家

★Divorce 离婚

★【咱们要离婚了。】英文翻译:We're getting divorced.

★Ex 上一任

★【我上一任带走了房产和孩子。】英文翻译:My ex took the house and the kids.




vipkid口语秀,等待小主们的临幸!翻我牌,Right now!


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