
外教一对一哪家好 2021-08-25 10:20131未知admin

??世界经济论坛发布全球竞赛力排名 在昨日发布的一份备受重视的经济竞赛力排行榜中,美国跃居第一,理由是美国经济因其商场功率和立异才能而遭到好评。 The US rose to top spot in a



The US rose to top spot in a closely watched economic league table yesterday, as its economy was praised for its market efficiency and ability to innovate.

总部位于瑞士的智库世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)昨日发布了其一年一度的全球竞赛力陈述。该机构在陈述中标明,美国经济失衡对其出产率和全球经济构成了挟制,但结论是,美国的经济作用跨越了这些风险。 In its annual report on global competitiveness, the World Economic Forum, the Swiss-based think-tank, said US economic imbalances posed a threat to its productivity and the global economy but concluded that its achievements outweighed these risks.


Also appearing in the top 10 were seven European economies – Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Finland, the UK and the Netherlands – as well as Singapore and Japan.


The rankings, which have been produced by the WEF since 1979, are used by many countries either to shower praise on a government’s achievements or to criticise its failings. But this will prove harder than usual this year as the WEF has adjusted its model, with large effects on countries’ places in the league table.


The WEF also released a revised league table for last year, based on its new methodology. Finland, which topped the league for many years, has dropped to sixth. The WEF gave it the second spot in last year’s published report but yesterday’s revisions suggest it should always have been sixth.


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