
外教一对一哪家好 2021-09-03 12:41157未知admin

??【BEC商务英语抢手集合】个税变革 Comments on new personal tax threshold China raised the personal tax threshold in late June from 2,000 yuan ($309.4) to 3,500 yuan($540) per month,which will reduce the number of personal in


Comments on new personal tax threshold

China raised the personal tax threshold in late June from 2,000 yuan ($309.4) to 3,500 yuan($540) per month,which will reduce the number of personal income tax payers from 84 million to 24 million.

The adjustment will take effect on Sept 1, according to the NPC.

According to the latest explanation, medical care insurance, endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, and housing fund is not included in 3,500 yuan. So, the personal income of a tax payer should be above 4545 yuan.


personal income tax(缩写PIT):自个所得税

personal income tax reform:自个所得税变革

往常所说的“三险一金”:medical care insurance(医疗稳妥);endowment insurance(养老稳妥);unemployment insurance(赋闲稳妥);housing fund(住所公积金)。


This is the third time China has raised the tax exemption threshold since implementing the Personal Income Tax Law in 1994. The country raised the threshold from 800 yuan per month to 1,600 yuan in 2006, raising it again to 2,000 yuan in 2008, according to the report.



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