《英语口语8000句》第8课 见面分手(10-13)

外教一对一哪家好 2021-12-08 10:30144未知admin

0944、你家有几口人?How many people are in your family? 0945、四口人。Four people. 0946、父母和我的妹妹。My parents and my younger sister. 0947、你有兄弟姐妹吗? Any brothers or sisters? 0948、只有一个哥哥(弟

0944、你家有几口人?  How many people are in your family?

0945、四口人。Four people.

0946、父母和我的妹妹。My parents and my younger sister.

0947、你有兄弟姐妹吗?   Any brothers or sisters?

0948、只有一个哥哥(弟弟)。Just one brother.

0949、你和父母住在一起吗?    Do you live with your parents?

0950、我一个人住。I live alone.

0951、我住在公寓里。I live in an apartment.

0952、你结婚了吗?  Are you married?

0953、不,还没有。No, not yet.

0954、我有对象了。I have a fiancé.

0955、我打算明年结婚。I'm going to get married next year.

0956、我结婚了。I'm married.

0957、我订婚了。I'm engaged.

0958、有孩子吗?   Any children?

0959、我有两个男孩。I have two boys.

0960、我有一个女儿,在上小学。I have one daughter in elementary school.

0961、我没有孩子。I don't have any children.


0962、你有什么爱好?   What are your hobbies?

0963、你有点什么爱好吗?   Do you have any hobbies?

0964、业余时间你都干什么?  What do you do when you have free time?

0965、我喜欢看电影。I like to watch movies.

0966、你喜欢看什么样的电影?   What kind of movies do you like?

0967、你的钢琴弹得真好。You're a good pianist.

0968、你喜欢哪种运动?   What kind of sports do you like?

0969、你滑了多长时间雪了?  How long have you been skiing?

0970、我只是喜欢看。I just like to watch.

0971、我是棒球迷。I'm a baseball fan.

0972、我喜欢打高尔夫球。I like to play golf.

0973、你练习过健美操吗?   Have you ever done aerobics?

0974、你对什么感兴趣?   What are your interests?

0975、我从没做过。I've never done that.

0976、你去国外旅行过吗?   Have you ever traveled abroad?

0977、你去哪儿了?  Where have you been?

0978、我去美国和德国了。I've been to the U.S. and Germany.

0979、下次你想去哪儿?   Where do you want to go next?


0980、你多大了?   How old are you?

0981、我48岁。I'm forty-eight.

0982、你的体重是多少?  How much do you weigh?

0983、75公斤左右。About seventy-five kilograms.

0984、我重164磅。I weigh a-hundred-sixty-four pounds.

0985、你有多高?   How tall are you?

0986、1米80左右。About one-hundred-eighty centimeters.

0987、我身高5英尺3寸。I'm five feet three inches tall.


0988、今天真热呀!   It's very hot today, isn't it?

0989、天气炎热。It's blistering hot.

0990、今天的天气真好!   It's a fine day today.

0991、今天的天气怎么样?   How's the weather today?

0992、今天会下雨吗?   Is it going to rain today?

0993、好像要下雨。We're expecting some rain.

0994、下雨了。It's raining.

0995、今天会下雨吧!   It's going to rain today.

0996、今天很热。It's hot today.

0997、今天很暖和。It's warm today.

0998、今天很冷。It's cold today.

0999、今天冷嗖嗖的。It's chilly today.

1000、明天的天气怎么样?   What's the forecast for tomorrow?

1001、今天风很大。It's windy today.

1002、今天很闷热。It's humid.

1003、气候干燥。It's dry.

1004、暴风雨天气。It's stormy.

1005、下雪了。It's snowing.

1006、天阴沉沉的。It's gloomy.


It looks like we are going to have a thunder shower.

1008、台风快到了。A typhoon is coming.

1009、起雾了。It's foggy.

1010、冷得像要结冰了。It's freezing.

1011、快要下暴风雨了。We're going to have a blizzard.

1012、这天真舒服。It's pleasant.

1013、今天风和日丽。It's mild today.

1014、今天阴天。It's overcast today.

1015、糟糕的天气。It's miserable.

1016、我怕热。I'm sensitive to heat.

1017、今天风和日丽。It's breezy today.

1018、今天的天气让人不舒服。It's uncomfortable today.

1019、热死我了。The heat is killing me.

1020、下了瓢泼大雨。It's raining cats and dogs!

1021、下霜了。It's frosty today.


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