
外教一对一哪家好 2021-12-21 10:44141未知admin

Could you call back later?(您能过会儿再打来吗?) Please call me back in ten minutes. (请10分钟后再打。 ) May I take a message? (您要给他留言吗?) I'll try again later.(过会儿我再打。 ) Can I leave a message?(能留

Could you call back later?(您能过会儿再打来吗?)

Please call me back in ten minutes. (请10分钟后再打。 )

May I take a message? (您要给他留言吗?)

I'll try again later.(过会儿我再打。 )

Can I leave a message?(能留个口信吗? )

I called but your line was busy.(我给你打电话了,可是占线。 )

Would you tell him that Lynn Kane called?(请告诉他林恩·凯恩给他打过电话。)

Please tell him to call me.(请转告他让他给我回个电话。)

How can he get a hold of you?(他怎么跟您联系呢? )

Your number, please? (请告诉我您的电话号码。)

My number is 1234-1234. (我的电话号码是1234-1234。 )

You can reach me at 1234-1234 until six o'clock.(请6点以前打1234-1234跟我联系。)

Let me repeat the number. That's 1234-1234.(我再确认一下电话号码,1234-1234,对吗?)

OK. I'll tell him that you called.(好的,我转告他您来电话了。 )

How do you spell your name?(您的名字怎么拼? )

Mr. Smith called you during the meeting.(您开会的时候史密斯先生给您来电话了。)

I'll have him call you back.(我让他给您回电话好了。 )

Shall I have him call you back?(是不是让他给您回电话呀? )


Thanks for calling. (谢谢您打来电话。)

Please call again anytime. (请随时来电话。 )

I'd better get off the phone. (我得挂电话了。  )

I have to go now.(我得挂电话了。 )

I guess I'd better get going. (我该挂电话了。)

Nice talking to you. Bye. (能跟您通上话,我非常高兴,再见。)

Please hang up the phone. (请挂电话吧。 )

I was cut off.(电话断了。 )

She hung up on me. (我还没说完呢,她就把电话挂上了。 )

The phone went dead. (电话不通。 )

Thank you for returning my call.(谢谢你给我回电话。 )


I'm afraid you have the wrong number. (您好像打错电话了。)

What number are you calling?(您拨的电话号码是多少? )

Who would you like to talk to?(您找哪位呀? )

There's no one here by that name.(这儿没有您说的这个人。 )

There's no Bob Hope in this office.(我们公司没有叫鲍勃·霍普的。)

I'm sorry. I must have misdialed.(对不起,我好像打错了。)


This is Gary Mills calling. Please call me as soon as possible. (我是加里·米尔斯,请尽快跟我联络。)


This is Gary Mills of ABC. Please call me when you get home. My number is 1234-1234.

This is a recording. (这是电话录音。)


Please speak a little more slowly.(您能说慢一点儿吗?)

I can't hear you very well.(我听不清楚。 )

We have a bad connection.(电话线好像有毛病。)

Could you speak up, please?(您能再大点儿声吗? )

The lines are crossed. (串线了。 )

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. (对不起,让您久等了。)

Thank you for waiting. (谢谢您等我。 )

You gave me the wrong number.(你给我的电话号码是错的。)




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