西班牙推出线上英语教学 女老师全裸授课(在线授课英语)

外教一对一哪家好 2022-01-06 10:31138未知admin

爱语导读:为了激起学生们的学习热情,各地老师都拼了。西班牙老师全裸上课,你害羞了么? [World Wide Web roundup ]Teacher innovation is now hoping to arouse students’ desire to learn. According to Taiwa


[World Wide Web roundup ]Teacher innovation is now hoping to arouse students’ desire to learn. According to Taiwan’s “China Times” news February 4, Spain has recently launched channels online English teaching programs, the female teachers teach naked, naked bold style, has triggered discussion.

It reported that a Spanish YouTube channel, recently launched a teaching program, the name called “naked Language” (Naked Language), which is almost naked female teacher, convex body, presumably to enable students to see stare, but how learning , in respect of a matter of opinion.

报道称,一个西班牙语的YouTube频道,近日推出一个教学节目,名称叫《裸露语言》(Naked Lan全国商务英语培训guage),里面的女老师几乎全裸,凹凸有致的身材,想必让学生看得目不转睛,但学习效果如何,可就见仁见智。

Spanish media said the program hopes to get rid of the traditional way of learning to teach through sexy videos and other content in a simple and fun way to teach dull teaching content. The complete set of courses for students to learn, but also to obtain a certificate of international certification.



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