高级英语学习指南(第三版)第一册 第七课

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编者按 张鑫友教授主编的《高级英语》学习指南(以下简称《指南》)自1989年出版后,重印70多次,共发行220余万套,1997年获得全国畅销图书奖。近几年来,市场上出现多个版本的同




1.Alice Walker:艾丽斯·沃克尔(1914—),美国女诗人、小说家兼政论家。

生于佐治亚州一个贫苦农村家庭。大学时代即积极投身于民权运动,大学毕业后赴民权运动中心密西西比州工作。后来成为大学教师,先后在几所高等学府讲授写作黑人文学。1968年,出版了一本诗集,接着陆续出版了一系列诗歌、小说及政论作品。现在她被公认是美国妇女文学和黑人文学的最杰出代表,也是美国文学史上最杰出的作家之一,其主要作品有《格兰治·柯普兰的第三生命》(1970)、《子午线》(1976),《兰斯顿·休斯传》(1973)、《爱情与烦恼:黑人妇女的故事》(1973)等。其最重要的作品是小说《紫色》 (The Color Purple),该小说获美国图书界三项大奖——普利策文学图书奖、国家优秀图书奖和全国图书评论奖。该小说1982年一出版即成畅销书并被拍成大受观众喜爱的电影。


2.Everyday Use:《日用家当》,艾丽斯·沃克尔最优秀的短篇小说作品之一。









wavy adj.

like,characteristic of,or suggestive of waves波状的;有起伏的

groove n.

a long,narrow furrow or hollow cut in a surface with a tool纹(道);纹槽

elm adj.

designating a family(Ulmaceae)of trees growing largely in the N.Temperate Zone[植]榆科的

limousine n.

any large luxurious sedan,esp.one driven by a chauffeur(配有司机的)高级轿车

sporty adj.

characteristic of a sport or sporting man运动员似的

tacky adj.

untidy; neglected; unrefined; vulgar劣等的;破旧的;粗俗的

flannel n.

a soft,lightweight,loosely woven woolen cloth with a slightly napped surface法兰绒

barley n.

a cereal grass( Hordeum vulgare and related species)with dense,bearded spikes of flowers,each made up of three single-seeded spikelets大麦

sidle v.

shuffle n.

a slow dragging walk拖着脚走

papery adj.

thin,light,etc.like paper(在厚薄、质地等方面)像纸的

dingy adj.

dirty-colored; not bright or clean; grimy昏暗的,不明亮的;不干净的;无光泽的;弄脏了的

make-believe v.

n.pretense; feigning 假装;虚假adj.pretended; feigned; sham假装的;虚假的

dimwit n.

a stupid person; simpleton[俚]蠢人,笨蛋,傻子

organdy n.

a very sheer,crisp cotton fabric used for dresses curtains,etc.蝉翼纱:玻璃纱(一种细薄的透明布)

pump n.

a low-cut shoe without straps or ties一种浅口无带皮鞋

flicker v.

move with a quick,light,wavering motion摇曳,摇动;晃动

mossy adj.

full of or covered with moss or a mosslike growth生了苔的;多苔的;苔状的

hook v.

attack with the horns,as a bull; gore(牛等以角)抵破,抵伤

shingle n.

thin,wedgeshaped piece of wood,slate,etc.laid with others in a series of overlapping rows as a covering for roofs and the sides of the houses屋顶板;木瓦

porthole n.

an opening in a ship’s side,as for admitting light and air(船侧采光、通气的)舷窗;舱口

rawhide n.

an untanned or only partially tanned cattle hide生牛皮

bute adj.

pretty or attractive,esp.in a delicate or dainty way[美口]漂亮的,俏的,迷人的;逗人喜爱的

scalding adj.

fierce in attacking in word 措辞尖锐的

lye n.

any wrongly alkaline substance,usually sodium or potassium hydroxide,used in cleaning,making soap,etc.碱液

recompose v.

restore to composure使恢复镇静

stocky adj.

heavily built; sturdy; short and thickset矮胖的;结实的

kinky adj.

full of kinks; tightly curled,esp.of hair(尤指头发)绞缠的;纽结的;弯曲的

wriggle v.

twist from side to side,either in one place or when moving along蠕动;扭动

earring n.

[usu.p1.]an ornament worn on the ear[常用复数」耳环,耳饰

bracelet n.

an ornamental band or chain worn about the wrist or arm手镯

armpit n.

the hollow place under the arm at the shoulder腋下,腋窝

lizard n.

any of several types of ( usu.)small creatures which are reptiles,with a rough skin,4 legs,and a long tail 蜥蜴

navel n.

a small mark or sunken place in the middle of the stomach,left when the connection to the mother(the umbilical cord)was cut at birth肚脐

hug v.

hold(someone)tightly in the arms搂抱;紧抱

perspiration n.

the act or action of sweating出汗;汗

peek v.

glance or look quickly and furtively,esp.through an opening or from behind something(尤指从缝隙或隐蔽处)偷看;窥视

Polaroid n.

[short for Polaroid Land Camera]a portable camera that develops the film negative internally and produces a print within seconds after the process is initiated (Polaroid Land Camera的缩略式)(一种即照即成相片的照相机)波拉罗伊德照相机;“拍立来”照相机

nibble v.

take small bites(out of something);eat(something)with small bites细咬,细食;一点点地咬

snap v.

take a snapshot of抢拍;用快照拍摄

limp adj.

lacking or having lost stiffness; flaccid,drooping,wilted,etc.柔软的

crop v.

(used in crop up)arise,happen,or appear,unexpectedly(用于crop up)突然出现;突然发生

trip-trip v.

(used in trip over)make an awkward mistake in(something such as words)(用于trip over)(在语言上)出差错;卡壳,支吾

herd n.

a number of cattle or other large animals feeding,living,or being driven together牛群;畜群

collard n.

a kind of kale(Brassica oleracea acephala)whose coarse leaves are borne in tufts羽衣甘蓝

chitlins n.

[pl.] the small intestines of pigs,used for food[复](猪等的)小肠(供食用)

streak n.

[colloq.](used in talk a blue streak)talk much and rapidly[口]连珠炮似地谈话;滔滔不绝地讲话

rump n.

[humor](of a human being)the part of the body one sits on[幽]臀部

churn n.

container in which milk is moved about violently until it becomes butter搅乳器(用以搅拌牛乳而制成黄油)

clabber n.

thickly curdled sour milk酸牛奶

whittle v.

cut(wood)to a smaller size by taking off small thin pieces削(木头)

dasher n.

rotating device for whipping cream,as in a churn.etc.(奶油)搅拌器

centerpiece n.

an ornament,a bowl of flower,etc.for the center of a table放在桌子中央的装饰品(如花瓶等)

alcove n.

a recessed section of a room,as a breakfast nook 凹室(如旱餐座)

sink n.

all area of slightly sunken land,esp.one in which water collect,or disappears by evaporation or percolation into the ground渗坑;洼地

rifle v.

ransack and rob( a place,building etc.); pillage:plunder抢劫,掠夺(某地)

scrap n.

a small piece; bit ; fragment; shred小片;碎片

teeny adj.

[colloq.]variation of the word “tiny” tiny的口语体

slam v.

shut or allow to shut with force and noise使劲关(门等);砰地(把门等)关上

lavender adj.


stump v.

puzzle,perplex; baffle[口]使困惑;使茫然不知所措

scrape v.

(cause to)rub roughly(使)磨擦

checkerberry n.

the edible,red,berrylike fruit of the wintergreen[美]平铺白珠树的果实

snuff n.


dopey adj.

[colloq.] mentally slow or confused; stupid[口](感觉)迟钝的;迷迷糊糊的,昏吞沉沉的;愚蠢的;呆傻的

hangdog adj.

ashamed and cringing盖愧的


文中出现的重难点单词及短语:totter,lame,furtive,stoop,stand off ,blue streak,crop up


totter v.be unsteady on one’s feet:stagger踌栅而行


The tall chimney tottered and fell.那个高烟囱晃了几下,倒下去了。


totter,reel,falter都有“摇晃”的意思,但有所区别。totter有“虚弱的”含义,常指四肢无力。除用于腿脚、老人、小孩、房屋墙的不稳外,也用于国家、政府、制度等的摇摇欲坠。reel有“头晕眼花或失去平街”的含义,指头晕的人或酒醉的人脚步不稳地行走。例如:I reeled when the ship gave a lurch.船突然一歪.我摇摇晃晃站立不稳。falter有“虚弱或恐惧的”含义,除用于脚步不稳外,也用于心理的扰像、动摇,又常用做声音发抖或结结巴巴的意思。例如:The old man faltered up the path.老人沿着小路颤颤巍巍地走。


lame adj.crippled; disabled; esp.having an injured leg or foot that makes one limp瘸的;残废的


My horse is lame—I can’t ride him.我的马瘸了。我不能骑马了。


要表示“某人的腿瘸了” 常用sb.is lame in his  ( her ) leg,而不用sb’s leg is lame.例如:My  uncle  is lame his right leg.我叔叔的右腿瘸了。


furtive adj.done or acting in a stealthy manner,as if to hinder observation; surreptitious; stealthy; sneaky; secret鬼鬼祟祟的,偷偷摸摸的;秘密的


The man’s furtive manner gave rise to the suspicion of the theft among the policemen.那个男人鬼鬼祟祟的样子,引起警察怀疑盗窃案是他作的案。


furtive,secret,covert,clandestine的意思都含“秘密的”。furtive指“偷偷摸摸的”、“鬼鬼祟祟的”。secret系常用词,指“藏某事物以防他人知道或见到的”,如:“There’s nothing secret about it.它没什么秘密的。covert是正式用语,指“(面目、意义、行动等)隐蔽的、伪装的或不公开的”,如:a covert threat隐蔽的威胁。clandestine是正式用语,指“秘密的、暗地的(不良行为或犯罪活动)”,如:They had a clandestine meeting in the park yesterday.昨天他们在公园开了个黑会。


stoop v.bend(the head and shoulder,)forwards and down屈身;弯腰


He stooped to look under the table.他弯腰往桌下看。


stoop, condescend, deign这组动词的一般含义是放下架子或屈尊。

stoop最通俗,原义是弯腰或低头,词义引申后指屈尊。condescend尤指身居高位者与下层人交往,即所谓的礼贤下士。stoop to+名词或动名词表示降低身份或堕落到干出某事的程度,例如:He stooped to cheating.他堕落到干骗人的事。condescend to+名词或代词表示以高人一等的架子待人,后跟动名词也可指堕落,例如:The king condescended to eat with the beggars.那国王屈驾与乞丐一起进餐。deign也指屈尊,但多用于表示讽刺。这时其尊卑含义并不是主要的,而且多用于否定句。例如:He didn’t deign to reply to his colleague’s accusation.对于同事的指控,他认为不屑于答复。


stand off   stand away in a distance与……保持一段距离


Two battle ships were kept standing off as a silent threat to the island people.两艘战舰一直停在离岸不远的地方,成为对岛上人的无声威胁。


stand off还可以表示“不合群; 挡住(敌人);(暂时)解雇”等含义。wand off中的off可用做副词,后接宾语。


blue streak anything regarded as like a streak of lightning in speed,vividness,etc.行动极快的东西


“They traveled like a blue streak through Spain.他们闪电般地在西班牙旅行了一趟。


blue streak还可以表示“连珠炮般的话,滔滔不绝的话”,例如:Mrs.White always talks a blue streak.怀特太太总是一开口就滔滔不绝。该习语常用于like a blue streak,意为“很快”, “很有效(地)”.例如:My brother can read like a blue streak.我哥哥看书能一目十行。


crop up  to appear unexpectedly or occasionally意外出现,偶然出现


Call me immediately if anything urgent crops up there.如果那边发生紧急情况,立即打电话给我。


crop up在表示“意外出现”时,常以表示机会、工作、事物等的词语为主语。在表示“被提到、被提及”时,常以表示话题、主题等的词语为主语,例如:If her son crops up in the conversation,remember you don’t say anything about his affairs with Mary.如果谈话中提到她儿子,记着,不要说他和玛丽的事。


1.I will wait for her…afternoon:这个句子从结构上看简单至极,但它包含的信息却十分丰富:大热天在院子里迎客,可见这一家生活条件较差,屋里不及院子凉快; 母亲为了迎接女儿竟要在前一天开始打扫庭院,做准备工作——从这种认真劲儿看来,这女儿想必是个有了出息的人物,现从大城市来到乡间看望自己的妈妈。句中wavy一词指扫帚扫过院子地面后留下的一道道波浪形的痕迹。

2.…and the fine sand…irregular grooves:过去分词lined之前省去了系动词is。

3.… her sister has held life…hand:使用了隐喻修辞手法。“将生活抓在手心里”意即能主宰自己的命运,成为生活的主人。

4.made it:俚语说法,意为“成功”、”发迹”。

5.a TV program of this sort:此处的this sort含贬义色彩,表示这类电视片多半是质量低劣、胡编乱造的,也表明这位没文化的劳动妇女是有一定头脑的,因此才会对这类电视片所反映的生活的真实性发生怀疑。

6.Johnny Carson:约翰尼·卡森,美国颇受欢迎的电视节目主持人,以能说会道妙语连珠而闻名。故事中主人公两次提到这一名字,可见这位主持人很受一般人崇拜,他的节目收视率一定很高。从第一次提到他的名字的情形判断,这位主持人外表也一定很帅。

7.in real life:在一段描述现实生活的情形的文字之前使用这一过渡性连接词语,意在暗示前面一段中讲到的电视片中经常描写的情景纯属虚构,不值得相信。

8.…my skin like an uncooked barley pancake:这里使用了明喻修辞手法。皮肤像大麦面团,指皮肤细腻光滑。故事中的叙述者是个皮肤又粗又黑的劳动妇女,她的大女儿迪伊引以为耻,故希望她能有像大麦面团一样的皮肤。

9.Dee,though:省略句。相当于“But Dee is quite different.”或“Dee is not like me,though.”

10.Dee is lighter than Maggie:此处的lighter不是指体重轻,而是指皮肤颜色浅一些,即白一些。

11.And Dee:省略句。相当于“And there was Dee.”

12.The church and me:一种不合语法的错误说法。其正确说法应是the church and I。因为故事是以一个没有文化的黑人妇女的口吻叙述的,所以作者有意使用一些不规范的语言,以符合叙述者的身份。


14.forcing words,lies,other folks’ habits…upon us two:此句的意思暗示出迪伊所读的那些书都是白人写的,用的是白人的词语,写的是白人的生活,使一般黑人不仅觉得陌生,而且觉得全是骗人的谎言,由此反映出黑人与白人之间的隔阂之深。用other folk来指白人这一点更可显出黑人与白人之间的对立与敌视。

15.to her graduation:完整而正确的说法应是to attend her graduation ceremony。

16.At sixteen she… what style was:此句中两个style意思不一样:第一个意为a unique way of doing things (风格);第二个指the current,fashionable way of dressing,peaking,acting,etc.(时尚)。

17.Mama,when did Dee ever have any friends?:修辞疑问句,不需要别人回答。意指Dee个性强,脾气暴,难以与人相处,从来不曾有过真正的朋友。

18.but I stay her with my hand:此处的stay相当于stop。注意这一段及下面五段中都是用的一般现在时来描述过去发生的事情,这是讲故事时常用的一种修辞手法,其目的是使故事讲得生动逼真,活灵活现。

19.Like when you see… on the road:省略句。其完整形式应为:It’s the kind of disgusted response you have when you see the wriggling end of a snake just in front of your foot on the road.

20.It is her sister’s hair:这是一种不规范的简略说法。如补全,应是:This time it’s her sister’s hair style that makes Maggie utter an exclamation of dislike and disapproval ( Uhnnnh)。

21.Out came Wangero with two quilts:倒装句。采用倒装结构是为了取得生动逼真的修辞效果。

22.to give them quilts to Maggie for when she marries John Thomas:不合语法的说法。其规范说法应是to give these quilts to Maggie for the occasion when she marries John Thomas。




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