
外教一对一哪家好 2022-01-27 10:36124未知admin



1.They have decided to put the meeting __ till next Monday.

A. up B. on C. off D. forward

答案为C。put off/推迟

2.If you get into difficulties, don’t hesitate to ask __ advice.

A. of B. out C. after D. for

答案为D。ask for advice/寻求建议,求教

3.While we were on holiday, our neighbor took __ our house.

A. notice of B. care of C. after D. on

答案为B。take care of /照看

4.Students are expected to ___ their classes regularly.

A. come B. go C. attend D. follow

答案为C。attend classes/上课

5.I was trying to get into the __ bus when I heard a voice from behind.

A. crowd B. crowding C. crowds D. crowded

答案为D. crowded bus/拥挤的公共汽车



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