
外教一对一哪家好 2021-08-25 10:20149未知admin

??前语:这篇是索菲外贸笔记发布过的商务英语句子汇总,篇幅略长,2万多字。将分篇为我们呈现,期望对我们有所协助: 目录: 1. 介绍产品时的英语表达 2. 客户来访时的英语表达



1. 介绍产品时的英语表达

2. 客户来访时的英语表达

3. 新客户报价的英语表达

4. 和新客户交流的英语表达

5. 邮件开场白的英语表达


1.This modelenjoys great popularityin other marketssimilar toyour own.



①enjoy great popularity 广受等待

②similar to 与...类似

③ your own 在这儿指代前面说到的market, 为了不重复提及,用own来替代。

2. Theenergy-savingmaterials are widely welcomed. 节能材料如今广受等待。

①energy-saving 节能

②be widely welcome 广受等待

3. It'sselling like hot cakes and we have lots of regulars now. Would you like to consider a trail order? 非常热销,而且咱们有许多回头客。你情愿思考下试单吗?

①sell like hot cakes 销路极好,卖得快

②regular 常规的 regulars 名词,意为常客,回头客

③consider sth. 思考某物/某事

④trail order 试订单

4. There isa great demand forthis product. 这款产品需要量很大。

a great demand for 固定分配,需要量大

5. The stockis availableon a first come first serve basis. 库存依照先到先得原则。售完即止。

①be available 有货,有空

② on..basis 根据...原则

③first come first serve 先到先得

6. This new model is to the taste of European market. 这款类型在欧洲很受等待。

to the taste of 固定分配,正对..口味。在这儿意为很受...等待

7. This product is now in great demand and we have enquiries on hand from other areas. 这款如今需要量特别大,咱们收到许多其他区域发来的询盘。

①in great demand 需要量很大

②have...on hand 手头上

③enquiry在外贸术语里平等于inquiry. 只不过enquiry是英式英语,inquiry是美式英语。像美国人用inquiry,东南亚区域多用enquiry.

8. This model we recommended has been a best seller fornearly one year.


①用于举荐客户热销款式时的表达用语。选用被逼语态,并用了拟人办法be best seller的表达比This model is very popular 或许This model is best selling愈加生动。

② nearly和almost差异:almost=very nearly 标明差一点....就 而nearly标明几近,接近。两者可以通用。

9. So far our products have stood the competition well. 当前来说咱们的产品仍是经得起竞赛的。


①so far 当前来说

②stand the competition well 固定分配,经得起竞赛

10. These items have met with great favorhome and abroad.


①meet with great favor 很受等待

②home and abroad 国表里

11. This is our most recentlydeveloped product.这是咱们迩来开发的产品。

① most recently 迩来,固定分配


12. You certainly have an eye for good things.您真有眼光。


have an eye for sth. 固定分配,有眼力


1. We'll get along fine. 咱们会协作开心的。


get along +副词,标明共处极好,联络极好,在这儿译为协作很开心,常见的表达词组还有get along well

2. Pleasetake your time and let me know if you need any help.


take your time逐渐来,别着急

3.Here are the samples of packingavailable now, you may have a look.这是咱们当前用的包装样板,你可以看看。


4. Then let's take a visit to the production line. 那如今咱们去看看出产线。


take/have/make a visit to 赏识...

5. Please advise which models you will go for. 请奉告你会选择哪个类型。

go for=choose 选择的意思

6. Considering the quality, you get what you pay for. 从质量上看,一分钱一分货。

you get what you pay for 比照口语化,合恰当面商洽英语

7. You can believe us at this point. 在这点上你可以信赖咱们。


at this point 就这点上。当它位于句首时,还可以标明就此,此时此时。


1. Price validity is 10 days from the date of PI / offer due to currency fluctuation. If the order is confirmed after due date,the unit price will be revised according to the daily exchange rate.因为汇率不坚决,报价有用期为合同/报价日期起的10天内。假定订单在有用期后才招认,价格会相应依照即时汇率调整。


①price validity 报价有用期

②from the date .. to 从哪天到哪天

③due to 因为

② currency fluctuation 汇率不坚决

2. Welook forward to your kind inquiries at any time if you find these items satisfactory. 假定你对这些款式满足的话,咱们期望能随时收到贵方的询价。

①look forward to sth. /doing sth. 等待做某事,等待某事

②at any time 随时

③find sth. +adj. 描述词标明发现/觉得..如何,怎样的,比方find sth. interesting 觉得..风趣的

3. As soon as a fresh supply of your required model comes in, we will contact you. 一旦你要订的那款货源来了,咱们会与您联络。


①as soon as 一..就

②a fresh supply 新货源,比方新鲜鸡蛋供给,a fresh of eggs.

③come in 进来,在这儿译为抵达,contact sb. =reach sb. 联络或人,与或人联络

④here is ready stock for these three items. 这三款咱们都有库存。ready stock 现货,后边+for 代表...有库存

4. You can enjoy 5% discount on your initial order. 首单您享有5%的扣头。


①enjoy...discount 享有扣头

②initial order 首单

5. Our offerremains effective for 10 days.咱们报价有用期为10天。

比起be valid for, remain effective是更为高档的表达。

Our offer generallykeeps open for 10 days. 咱们的报价有用期一般是10天。

①generally 一般,在这儿可认为10天做保存空间。

②keep open=be valid 有用

6. Our offer is subject tochange without notice.我方报价如有更改,恕不另外告诉。


②be subject to 以...为准

③change without notice恕不另外告诉,固定分配

7. Upon receipt ofyour email, we have given this matter our immediate attention. 咱们一收到你的邮件,当即对这个疑问给予重视。


②upon receipt of 固定分配=as soon as we receive. 比照精粹,表达一收到..就

③give sth. immediate attention 对某事当即给予重视

8.Kindly note that we will update the price when the exchange ratefluctuatesmore than XX%. 在汇率不坚决XX下,会再一次更新价格。(应和客户约好,假定汇率不坚决超出协议的比例,大约一起承担风险)

fluctuate 不坚决


1. 如何问询客户是经销商,仍是终端客户。问询客户性质,一般可以用以下的句型发问:

A.What kind of business do you handle? Are you self-employed, manager or a business owner?

B.Can you please let us know your company details?

C.May I know your business scopeplease?

D.Please advise you purchase it for yourself or for your clients?

E.Are you the manufacturer or distributor?


self-employed 个别运营

business scope运营规模

2. 在每次报价后可以附上下列表达:

A.We look forward to yourpatronage.

B.We cherish your patronage.

C.We look forward to welcoming you as our customer.


①patronage 惠顾

②continued support and patronage 自始自终的撑持和惠顾

3. I haveattacheda detailed product cataloguetothis email. It contains specifications and pricesfor your perusal.邮件附上具体的产品目录,包括产品概况和价格,请你过目。

①表达附件富含啥的句型:I have attached sth. to this email. 或答应以说Please find attached sth. / Please find sth. as attached.

②for your perusal 请你过目 = for your review

4. Please feel assured thatwe will give you the best discount. 请定心,咱们必定给您供给咱们所能给的最大扣头。

①feel assured that 深信... please feel assured that 请定心...引导从句

②give sb. the best discount 给予或人最优扣头

5.We guaranteebothour quality andon time delivery of shipments,and our prices stay very competitivein the market. 咱们的质量和交货期都是有保证的,价格方面在商场上也对错常有竞赛力的。


①both...and ..和.. 用于必定句

②on time delivery of shipments 准时的交货期

③stay competitive 坚持竞赛力的,标明状况。stay替代be动词,显得生动点。

6. I will send you the tailor-made offervery soon.我会很快给您发一个合适您的报价。

①tailor-made 量身定做的,在这儿引申为合适的

②very soon很快,不久

7. We're in a position to accept small quantity order. 咱们承受小定量订单。

be in a position to... 可以做某事

8. Welook forward tothe opportunity ofbeing of service of you.

①look forward to+doing/sth. 盼望收到

②be of service of sb. 为或人效能

9. If we canbe of any further help, please let us know.


① be of help=helpful 愿意协助的

② please let us know 在和客户/上级交流的时分,直接的please let us know 即可,不必要please feel free to let us know. 显得很不小心重和莽撞。

10. We find the quality suitable for your market. 产质量量契合你们的商场

①find sth. +adj. 描述词 标明发现啥怎样

②suitable for 合适

11. We send you a brochure on thevariouskinds of bicycle nowavailable for export, your inquiry is welcome.


①various 林林总总的 = a variety of

② available for export 固定分配,可供出口的

12. A catalog has been airmailedto you already.


airmail 空邮

类似的词汇可以用dispatch by courier来标明寄送

13. Any items listed in the catalogyou get interested in, please let us know.目录中任何你感快乐喜爱的产品,都可以奉告咱们。

listed in the catalog 短语后置作定语润饰any items 标明目录中列及到的产品。比If you get interested in any items listed in the catalog会愈加精粹


1. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. 谢谢你告诉我这件事。

bring sth. to one's attention 致使或人留心,在这儿意为告诉或人某事

2.Hi, I hope you had afabulousChristmas and your holiday seasonis fruitful.期望你度过了一个精彩的圣诞节,而且收成满满。



②fruitful 果实累累的,在这儿译为收成满满的

3. I trust you enjoyed thebreakand are keen to start on the new year's projects. 信赖你有好好地享受了假期,而且热切期望打开新的一年的项目。


①break 在这儿作名词,休假,歇息的意思

②be keen to do sth. 固定分配,盼望做某事

③start on sth. 初步进行某事

4. I'm sure you're quite busy at the moment, so I'll bevery brief. 晓得你这会很忙,我会长话短说。

①I am sure+引导从句:我很必定.../我深信...

②at the moment 此时,此时。for the moment 暂时,当前。留心区别好

③be brief 很简略,在这儿意为长话短说

5.Hope this email finds you well. 谨以此向您致以问好。


6.It's nice tofinally meet you. 总算见到你了。/总算见到你了。


7.It has been very long since wetouched base.好久没联络了。


touch base 固定分配,联络,触摸的意思




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