
外教一对一哪家好 2021-08-31 10:22112未知admin




Shanghai’s city government is setting up a financial investment companywith about $1bn to spend on investments in China and overseas.

这个新出资机构将被命名为“上海金融控股集团”(Shanghai FinancialHoldings)。在此之前,我国中心政府采纳了一系罗列措,经过新树立的我国国家出资公司(China InvestmentCorporation)和全国社保基金(National Social Security Fund),大力推进海外出资。

The new agency, to be called Shanghai Financial Holdings, follows moves bythe central government in Beijing to promote overseas investment through thenewly established China Investment Corporation and the National Social SecurityFund.

上海金融控股还将接收上海世界集团(Shanghai InternationalGroup)的金融资产。上海世界集团是上海市政府现有的控股公司,将被一分为二。

The agency will also manage financial assets transferred from ShanghaiInternational Group, the provincial government’s existing holding company, whichis being split into two.

这些资产包括上海浦东打开银行(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank)等银行,以及申银万国(ShenyinWanguo)等证券公司。

These assets include banks such as Shanghai Pudong Development Bank andsecurities firms such as Shenyin Wanguo.


Officials said Shanghai Financial Holdings, which is expected to be headedby Ji Xiaohui, chairman of Shanghai Pudong, would have a role in supportingShanghai companies as they go abroad.


People familiar with the matter say the provincial government sees theagency as part of its strategy of promoting Shanghai as an internationalfinancial centre. However, officials concede that is unlikely to happen untilthe central government removes capital controls and allows the renminbi to tradefreely.

其它当地政府也在寻求国务院(State Council)附和树立专业出资基金。

Other regional governments are also seeking approval from the State Councilto establish specialised investment funds.


Both Shanxi and Guangdong are launching energy funds while Sichuan hopes toestablish a technology fund. Tianjin has launched an investment fund.


China allowed so-called window or trust and investment companies in the1980s and 1990s, but they made largely unproductive investments abroad.


Some foreign bankers with China expertise say it is not clear whether thenew investment agencies have formal systems in place to prevent poorinvestments.


“They lack transparency, and accountability and governance,” said a seniorexecutive at one major international bank. “It isn’t clear how they willdisclose related party transactions.”


However, other experts say this phase of overseas investment is likely tobe more professionally managed.


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