“sweat it out”让你慌一下的英语口语表达,是否和出汗有关

外教一对一哪家好 2021-12-22 10:34142未知admin

当sweat做名词时: drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot,ill,sick or afraid当你热了生病了害怕了等液体水珠出现在了你的皮肤表面,那就是汗hard work or effort繁重的工作a


drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot,ill,sick or afraid当你热了生病了害怕了等液体水珠出现在了你的皮肤表面,那就是汗hard work or effort繁重的工作a sweatsuit or sweatpants运动服当sweat做动词时:

when you sweat,drops of liquid appear on the surface of your skin 出汗,流汗to work hard at sth艰苦努力to worry or feel anxious about sth担心焦虑if you sweat meat or vegetables or let them seat,you heat them slowly with a little fat in a pan that is covered with a lid 焖我们了解了sweat的意思后,接下来来了解一下sweat的短语的英语口语表达。

sweat out 和 sweat it out的区别


sweat out中sweat是流汗的意思,sweat out的意思是冒汗,发汗

sweat it out中sweat是担心,焦虑的意思,sweat it out是熬过,焦急的等待到最后. to be waiting for sth difficult or unpleasant to end and be feeling anxious about it.

我们通过一个美剧例子来了解一下sweat it out 的英语口语表达。

美剧无耻家庭中的部分片段,弟弟失踪了,姐姐担心的寻找了一天也没找到,哥哥回到家中发现自己的弟弟就在家里而没失踪。他询问弟弟是否要将这个消息告诉给姐姐。弟弟调皮道“let her sweat it out”让她再慌一下。


如果你想要表达让某人慌一下先不告诉她什么事情,你就可以用sweat it out来表达,让对方多忍受一下,焦急的等待到最后。

和 sweat有关的还有一个常用的表达是:No sweat!

no sweat: used to tell sb that sth is not difficult or a problem when they thank you or ask you to do sth回答致谢或请求时用到,没什么,小事一桩

例如:-- Thanks for everthing谢谢你做的每件事

--No sweat没什么。





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