【专升本—英语】 2022年专升本考试英语必备语法(9)!

外教一对一哪家好 2022-03-18 10:42123未知admin

每日一练不能停,英语过线必成功! 十二、倒装结构 1.下列否定词及含有否定意义的词组修饰状语时,若置于句首,句子的主谓要部分倒装 never, no, neither, not only, hardly, scarcely, little, s




never, no, neither, not only, hardly, scarcely, little, seldom, rarely, not until, nowhere, at no time, on no account, in no respect, in no sense, by no means, in no way, no longer, no less, no more, no sooner than, under no circumstances, in vain, still less。如:

Not only is its direct attack on their discipline, it bypasses the essence of what sociologists focus on.

Under no circumstances should we do anything that will benefit ourselves but harm the interests of the state.


Only when you have obtained sufficient data can you come to a sound conclusion.


often, so, well, to such a degree, to such an extent, to such extremes, to such a point,many a time。如:

So involved with their computers do the children become that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.


(1)出于修辞需要,表示方向的副词:out, down, in, up, away, on。如:

Down jumped the burglar from the tenth floor when he heard someone shouted at him.

(2)出于习惯用法:here, there, now, thus, hence, then。如:

Now is your turn. There goes the bell.



Much as I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her, in thoroughness, whatever the job.

(2)出现在句型be+主语+其他, come what may中。如:

Our civilization has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge—be it scientific or artistic.

The business of each day, be it selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly.

Come what may, I’ll be on your side.


as, than引导的比较从句中,如果主语是名词短语且较长,经常采用倒装结构(不倒装也可以)。注意:这种结构主语一般为名词,如果是代词则不倒装。如:

Hydrogen burns much more cleanly than do other fuels and is easy to produce.

Reading is to the mind as is exercise to the body.




2.介词 + which的用法


We are not conscious of the extent to which work provides the psychological satisfaction that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.

3.as 与which用作关系代词的区别

(1)as与the same, such, so, as等关联使用。如:As the forest goes, so goes its animal life.


As is true in all institutions, juries are capable of making mistakes.

As is generally accepted, economic growth is determined by the smooth development of production.

常见的这类结构有:as has been said before, as has been mentioned above, as can be imagined, as is known to all, as has been announced, as can be seen from these figures, as might/could be expected, as is often the case, as has been pointed out, as often happens, as will be shown等。


(1)如果关系代词在从句中做宾语,用that, which都可以,而且可以省略;

(2)先行词是不定代词anything, nothing, little, all, everything时,关系代词用that;

(3)先行词由形容词最高级或序数词修饰或由next,last, only, very修饰时,用that;



5.but做关系代词,用于否定句,相当于who…not, that…not


There are few teachers but know how to use a computer.

There is no complicated problem but can be solved by a computer.




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